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《灵界经历》 第2839节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2839

2839. Because evil is increasing and has increased up to the present, mankind is going more and more against order, and since the little practiced evil they had, worsened by much practice, has grown so much by inheritance - and so, seeing they go more and more against order because against faith, or the truths of faith-therefore there is more need for the Lord's direct help. The more they go against order, the greater is the force required for reforming them, consequently the more spirits are needed, while those who are led more according to order need fewer spirits to be present with them. In like manner, all things in the body that proceed according to order, such as the workings of the internal organs, which are termed natural, have no need for the direct help of spirits, because [they function] according to order. 1748, 16 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2839

2839. Inasmuch as evil is increased and augmented up to this time, man proceeds more and more contrary to order, and his actual [principle] slight [paucum] [at first] is worse by much actuality, since evil has grown up by inheritance: wherefore, inasmuch as [man acts] more and [more] against order, because against faith or the truths of faith, therefore there is more need of the assistance of the Lord. The more [he acts] contrary to order, the greater force is required to reform him; consequently they need more spirits, though they who are led more according to order, require fewer spirits with themselves. In like manner, all things in the body which follow according to order, for instance, the operations of the internal viscera, which are denominated natural, do not require the immediate help of spirits, because they [proceed] according to order. - 1748, August 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 2839 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2839. Quia malum augetur et auctum est huc usque, contra ordinem magis magisque homo vadit, et actuale ejus paucum, pejus est actualitate multa, cum ita succrevit haereditate malum, quare, quia [magis] magisque contra ordinem, quia contra fidem, aut veritates fidei, ita immediato Domini auxilio magis opus; quo plus contra ordinem, eo major vis requiritur ad reformandum, proinde pluribus spiritibus [opus], cum ii qui secundum ordinem magis ducuntur, paucioribus spiritibus apud semet, opus habent, sicut omnia in corpore quae secundum ordinem sequuntur, ut operationes viscerum internorum, quae naturales audiunt, non opus habent immediato spirituum auxilio, quia secundum ordinem. 1748, 16 Aug.

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