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《灵界经历》 第2840节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2840

2840. Evil spirits imagine they are able to do much

Evil spirits have often said they can do much and prevail over others, so they boast everywhere they go, imagining that it is so, just the opposite to good spirits and angels, who believe they can do nothing and that the Lord can do all things, down to the very least. I have also been prompted to reply to evil spirits that they can do nothing at all.

This both surprised them and made them indignant and angry, and because they are unable to tell otherwise, because they do not have faith, it was granted me to tell them that of themselves they are not only merely tools devoid of life, thus dead of themselves, [but] also, today, that if they were not allowed to think in this way, they would be deprived of all life of their own; and in order that they may be kept in life and be improved, they are permitted so to think, in fact they are supported in so thinking by achievements that are produced through them. So it is in order that they may live that they are sustained in this opinion. 1748, 17 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2840


Evil spirits have often said, that they can [effect] much, and are of considerable power; thus do they boast of themselves everywhere, for so they suppose. It is quite different with good spirits and angels, who believe that they can [effect] nothing, and that the Lord can [effect] each and all things. It was also granted to reply to evil spirits, that they can never [effect] anything; at which they wondered, and thereby were made indignant and angry; and inasmuch as they cannot know otherwise, because they are not in faith, it was given to tell them, not only that of themselves they are only organs, and have no life, thus are of themselves dead; [but] also, today [they were told] that were it not granted them so to think, they would be deprived of all their life, and that they are permitted so to think, in order that they may be kept in life, and so be capable of being reformed [emendari]: yea, affirmatives [affirmations] are given them, through effects which are produced, through them, therefore wonder that if they lived, they may be held in such an opinion. If they are held in such an opinion [it is] that they might live. - 1748, August 17.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2840 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2840. Quod spiritus mali putent se multum posse

Saepe dixerunt spiritus mali, quod multum possint, et praevaleant, ita se jactant ubique loci, nam putant ita, secus prorsus ac boni spiritus, et angeli, qui credunt quod nihil possint, quodque Dominus possit omnia et singula: spiritibus malis quoque mihi datum est respondere, quod nihil usquam possint, quod et mirati, et quo indignati et irati, et quia non aliter scire possunt, quia non in fide, iis dicere datum est, non solum quod ex se modo organici sint, et nullius vitae, sic mortui ex se, [sed] hodie quoque, quod si iis non daretur ita putare, quod omni vita sua privati essent, utque tenerentur in vita, et sic emendari possint, quod iis permittitur ita putare, imo iis dantur affirmantia, per effectus, qui per eos eduntur, sic ut si {a} viverent, in tali opinione teneantur. 1748, 17 Aug.

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