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《灵界经历》 第2846节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2846

2846. The ways along which souls ascend from the lower earth into the world of spirits

I have not yet observed who ascend by this way or that, but that some ascend close to the back toward the head, some arriving at the neck and outside the head come into the world of spirits, some through the inward parts of the head, some I suppose through the inward parts of the body, and thus variously.

It was granted me to observe this many times. Some upon arriving at the region of the loins are carried between the loins, this I have often been enabled to feel physically. And I did feel this as if in myself, as I initially interpreted it, but because place in the other life is not anything, but places [are allotted] according to the nature of the spirits, it would be felt in the same way even if they were carried up from a thousand or many thousands of miles into the world of spirits, and indeed from the lower earth. Some were brought perceptibly through the left foot. Some are lifted up toward the higher parts of the head and in fact above the middle of the head, and are there borne into a kind of spiral. This is the best case.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2846


It has not yet been observed who ascend by this, or that way, but that when they come into the world of spirits, some ascend near the back, towards the head, some to the neck, and outside [without] the head, some [quidam, I think] through the interiors of the head, some, I think, through the interiors of the body, and so various ways. It was granted me to observe this many times. Some when they come to the region of the loins are borne between [amongst] the loins. It was often granted me to perceive this sensibly; and certain [were present] as it were with me, as I supposed, in the beginning; but inasmuch as situation in the other life is not anything, but situations occur according to their nature, so also this [time] the like is felt should they be carried away a thousand, or thousands of miles into the world of spirits, and indeed, from the inferior earth. Some [were, to me] sensibly [raised] through [my] left foot. [They] who are elevated towards the upper [parts] of the head, and indeed, above the middle of the head and are there borne, as it were, into a spiral, [these] enjoy the best lot.

Experientiae Spirituales 2846 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2846. Viae per quas ascendunt animae ab inferiore terra in mundum spirituum

Nondum observatum, quinam ascendunt per hanc vel illam viam, sed quod ascendant quidam juxta tergum, versus caput, quidam cum ad collum et extra caput, veniunt in mundum spirituum, quidam 1

per interiora capitis, quidam, ut reor, per interiora corporis, et sic varie; datum mihi observare hoc pluries; quidam cum veniunt ad regionem lumborum, inter lumbos feruntur; hoc mihi sensibiliter percipere saepe datum est: et quidem 2

quasi apud me, quod initio opinabar, sed quia situs in altera vita non est quicquam, sed situs se habent secundum eorum naturam, ita quoque hoc, sentitur simile si vel [a] mille aut millibus miliarium in mundum spirituum auferrentur 3

, et quidem ab inferiori terra: quidam sensibiliter per pedem sinistrum: qui elevantur versus superiora capitis et quidem supra medium capitis et ibi feruntur quasi in spiram, hoc optimum est.


1. The Manuscript has quinam

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quidam

3. The Manuscript has auferentur

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