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《灵界经历》 第2849节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2849

2849. In the world, or their bodily life also, the deceitful are distinguished [into categories], although these are not discerned by people on earth. For out of inborn habit and practice, some do not premeditate deceptions, but wherever the opportunity presents itself go about their doings in deceitful ways, yet not so much with forethought. It is these who are tolerated, for their nature is well known.

There are in the world, however, those who plan deceptions beforehand and conceal them in their mind for a long time, wearing a friendly expression, yet pondering for a long time under a friendly guise opportunities for hurting. It is these who are not tolerated, and who are creeping vipers.

About these [categories] I spoke with spirits, for a certain one hurt me very slightly, but [that was] because he was the type that acts from instinct; so that afforded me the occasion to think and speak of these matters. 1748, 17 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2849

2849. In the world also, or their life of the body, the deceitful are distinguished, although they are not discriminated by men. For certain, from implanted habit [consuetudine] and actuality do not premeditate deceits, but wherever occasion is offered, bring about results [exercent effectus] in a deceitful manner; therefore, not in so premeditated a manner. Such are [they] who are tolerated, for their nature is known. But there are those in the world, who premeditate, and hide their deceits in the mind [animo] and wear a friendly countenance, but still meditate under a friendly countenance occasions to hurt, and this a long time. These are they who are not tolerated, and are vipers [cerpentes viperae]. [I spoke] of these, with spirits: for a certain one injured [hurt] me very slightly; but inasmuch as he was of such a character, as to act too from instinct; therefore a handle [an opportunity] was given me to think and speak concerning these things. - 1748, August 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 2849 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2849. Distinguuntur etiam dolosi in mundo, seu vita corporis eorum, quamvis ab hominibus non discernuntur, quidam enim ex insita consuetudine et actualitate non praemeditantur dolos, sed ubicunque occasio se offert, exercent 1

dolose effectus, sic non ita praemeditato, tales sunt qui tolerantur, nam natura eorum noscitur: sunt autem in mundo, qui praemeditantur, et recondunt dolos animo diu, et vultum praebent amicum, sed usque meditantur sub amico vultu occasiones laedendi, et hoc diu, ii sunt qui non tolerantur, et sunt serpentes viperae, de his cum spiritibus, nam quidam me laesit leviuscule, sed quia talis erat, ut ex instinctu faceret, quare {a} de iis cogitandi et loquendi ansa data est. 1748, 17 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has excercent

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