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《灵界经历》 第2848节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2848

2848. About the deceitful

Spirits who are deceitful are not permitted to be in the world of spirits except for the purpose of taking the poisons away from them or moderating them so that they cannot hurt anyone. But there are indeed many exceptions, being those who do evil from almost the same nature, and deceitfully to be sure, but still out of natural instinct. Those who do so with forethought, however, and who conceal their poisons, and thus bring on evil deceitfully, it is these who are not tolerated. A distinction is made between deceit as an instinct, and deceit as something premeditated. 1748, 17 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2848


Spirits who are deceitful, are not permitted to be in the world of spirits, unless [their] poison [venena] be taken out of them, or [they be] tempered, so that they may be able to injure no one; but many indeed are to be excepted, who commit evil from a nature, as it were, similar, and indeed deceitfully, but still from natural instinct. But they who [do so] with premeditation, and conceal [their] poison, and thus do evil deceitfully, are [those] who are not tolerated. There is a distinction between deceit as an instinct, and deceit as premeditated. - 1748, August 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 2848 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2848. De dolosis

Spiritus qui dolosi sunt, non permittuntur esse in mundo spirituum, nisi ut iis adimantur venena, seu temperentur, ut nulli nocere possunt; sed reservandi sunt quidem multi, qui ex natura quasi simili malum faciunt, et quidem dolose, sed usque ex naturali instinctu; sed qui praemeditato, et occultant venena, et sic dolose malum inferunt, ii sunt qui non tolerantur; quod [est] dolus ut instinctus, et dolus, ut praemeditatum, [inter hos] distinguitur. 1748, 17 Aug.

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