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《灵界经历》 第2857节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2857

2857. As for their hell, it is more horrible than the hell of others, and more horrible than the hell of those who murder from hatred, and of those who act without premeditated deceit. It is located towards the front, near the boundaries, and when they have been hurled thither - they may have been there before, and been sent out from there-then, it was said, they live among snakes, and the more subtle their deceitful poisons are, the more poisonous and cunning and the more numerous are the snakes that surround and torment them, so that the mere mention of it strikes horror. Such is the hell that awaits them, which is what their deceit turns into. 1748, 19 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2857

2857. (As respects their hell, it is more terrible [atrocious] than the hell of others, and more terrible than the hell of those who kill from hatred [homicidarum ex odio], and of such as act without premeditated deceit. It is in front, near the boundaries [fines]. When they were cast thither, perhaps they have been there before, and were hence emitted, it was then said, that they live amongst serpents, and the more subtle their deceitful poisons, the mere poisonous and subtle the serpents, and the greater the number that surrounds and torments them, so that it inspires horror, merely to relate it. Such a hell awaits those of this character: into such [a principle] is their deceit burned. - 1748, August 19.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2857 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2857. Quod eorum infernum attinet, est atrocius quam infernum aliorum, et atrocius quam infernum homicidarum ex odio, et talium, qui absque dolo praemeditato faciuut, est antrorsum circa fines, quo cum conjecti sunt--forte 1

ibi fuerunt prius, et inde emissi--tunc 2

dicebatur, quod inter serpentes vivant, et quo dolosa venena eorum subtiliora sunt, eo serpentes sunt venenatiores et subtiliores, et [eo] plures, qui eos circumdant, et cruciant, sic ut horrorem incutiat modo memorandi. Tale infernum manet tales; in tale vertitur eorum dolus. 1748, 19 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has sunt, forte

2. The Manuscript has emissi, tunc

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