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《灵界经历》 第2858节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2858

2858. These are not like those who are deceitful by nature [2848-2849] and who consider [their deceit] to be prudence, for when these are present it is detected immediately, both because they like to whisper into one's ears, and because their tone of voice is such that one senses it at once, and their thought leaks out with the first sound of their speaking, the thought being plainly perceived in the other life. The deceitful of this type do not meet with that kind of hell, but a different one. But those who are such that one cannot sense anything but friendship either from their tone or from what they are saying, but who nevertheless harbor the intention of hurting and destroying - they are the ones under discussion.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2858

2858. (Such [spirits] are not like those, who are deceitful by nature, and place prudence therein: for when these are present it is immediately known, as well from their wishing to speak [whisper] into the ear, and tacitly, as that their speech is of such a sound, so that it is forthwith perceived [if they are present]: also at the first sound of [their] speech their thought comes forth, which thought is plainly perceived in the other life. Such deceitful [spirits] do not meet with such a hell [as the one just described] but another. But it has been told concerning those who are such, that it cannot be perceived, but that they are friendly from the sound, or the speech, and yet conceal a mind to injure and destroy.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2858 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2858. Tales non sunt sicut ii, qui natura dolosi sunt [2848-2849], et qui in eo prudentiam ponunt, nam cum ii adsunt, statim cognoscitur, tam ex eo, quod in aures et tacite loqui velint, quam quod tali sono loquelae sunt, ut illico percipiatur, tum emanat eorum cogitatio ad primum sonum loquelae, quae cogitatio percipitur manifeste in altera vita, tales dolosi non tale infernum nanciscuntur, sed aliud; sed qui tales sunt, ut non percipi queat, quam amicum nec ex sono, nec ex loquela, et usque recondunt animum nocendi et perdendi, de iis dictum est.

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