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《灵界经历》 第2869节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2869

2869. As for this speech, namely exhalative, so to speak, spirits who were at a great height above the head understood it most distinctly and spoke the things that were being thought, which amazed me, and in fact for quite some time. They also realized that with me it was like an exhalation of speech. And I observed that the spirits were led to speaking by it and could not speak in any other way. When they noticed this and I told them they could not say anything but what they were led to speak, thus not anything on their own, they were indignant. This also happened, was shown to them, and observed many times. 1748, 21 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2869

2869. As respects this speech, to wit, exhalative as it were, the spirits who were at a great attitude above the head perceived it very distinctly, and spoke the things whereof it was thus thought, at which I wondered, and indeed for some time. They also perceived that there was with me, as it were, an exhalative [principle] of speech: and I observed that spirits are led to speak thereby, so that otherwise they could not have spoken. When they observed this, and I told them that they did not speak anything, but that which they were led to speak, therefore [did not speak] from themselves, they were indignant. This also occurred, was shown them, and observed many times. - 1748, August 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2869 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2869. Quod hanc loquelam attinet, nempe exhalativam quasi, spiritus qui in multa altitudine supra caput, percipiebant eam quam distincte, et loquebantur ea {a}, quae sic cogitabatur, quod miratus, et quidem satis temporis, percipiebant etiam quod apud me quasi exhalativum loquelae esset: et observabam quod spiritus ducerentur ad loquendum per eam, sic ut non aliter loqui potuissent, quod cum animadverterent, et ego iis dicerem, quod non aliud loquerentur, quam ad quod adducti loqui, ita non a se, indignati: quod quoque pluries factum, iis ostensum, et observatum. 1748, 21 Aug.

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