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《灵界经历》 第2873节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2873

2873. A conversation with Abraham about why the Jews were born, and lived, when yet on account of their faithlessness they are damned

Abraham was present today and inspired many words aimed at impeding the things being written. I have spoken with him from time to time, also about his casting the blame back upon the Lord for the fact that the Jews were born, multiplied, and damned, when it would have been better for them not to be born. And for the fact that he was as he was, and for so long, he also rejected the blame, as it was for the reason that he might receive the Jews who believe in him, and that they might thus be drawn away from their fantasy.

But he received the reply that they are the cause, and never is the cause the Lord, Who inspires all good into all and wills to save all, as he, who has been there so long, very well knows. So for the fact that

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2873


Abraham was present today and breathed in many things to hinder [oppose] those things which were written: with whom I spoke occasionally, as also concerning this, why he blames the Lord, that [because] the Jews were born, multiplied and condemned, when it would have been enough for them not to have been born, and that he [himself] was also of such a nature and for so long a time; he also blames [the Lord] that therefore he was [of such a nature] in order that he might receive the Jews who believe in him, and so they might be withdrawn from the phantasy. But he received the reply that that they are the cause [thereof] and he is the cause [but] never the Lord, who inspires all with every good, and wishes to save all, as was very well known to him who has been there so long.

Experientiae Spirituales 2873 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2873. Sermo cum Abrahamo, cur Judaei nascerentur, ac viverent, cum tamen propter infidelitatem eorum damnantur

Abrahamus hodie adfuit, et inspiravit plura, ad impediendum ea quae scriberentur, cum quo passim loquutus, tum etiam de eo, quod rejiceret culpam in Dominum, quod nascerentur Judaei, multiplicarentur, et damnarentur, cum satius fuisset iis non nasci; et quod 1

is quoque talis esset, et tam diu, rejecit culpam quoque, ut esset ideo, ut is reciperet 2

Judaeos, qui credunt in eum, et sic abstraherentur a phantasia sua: sed responsum tulit, quod ii in causa sint, et in causa est, nusquam Dominus, Qui omne bonum inspirat omnibus, et omnes salvare vult, sicut ei, qui tamdiu ibi fuit, notissimum

(2874.) est, quare quod ii tales sint, et is talis sit, in causa 3

ipsi sunt, et quod nascerentur, non solum Judaei infideles, sed etiam plurima pars Christianorum 4

, qui nec credunt, ut et totus orbis malus, hoc praevisum est, et quia tales, unus nasceretur ut alteri esset remedium, nam malum malo curatur, sicut notum est in tentationibus aliisque similibus, quod quia praevisum, nec aliter fieri potuerit; cum mundus talis nasceretur, et id unicum esset, propter finem ultimum et optimum, sequitur, quod contra Divinum loquatur, qui aliter loquitur et sentit: haec per ideas spirituales et mihi tunc quoque inspiratas melius intellecta fuere, et coelitus confirmata. 1748, 21 Aug.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. The Manuscript has recipereet

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. The Manuscript has Christianiorum

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