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《灵界经历》 第2872节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2872

2872. Evil spirits cannot desist from attacking the good

Evil spirits continually attack-in various ways, by tricks, cunning, malice, recklessness-the good, and matters of true faith. Good spirits do not attack except in self-defense, as I have constantly observed. Evil spirits who were casting shadow and contempt on the things that were being written and were questioned whether they could stop attacking, said "no," so they were told that if their own nature is let loose in them, they cannot stop, but if they are kept in restraints, they can.

They do not want to admit this, even though they rightly know it is the case. In short, as soon as the restraint is relaxed they rush to all their deceptions, cunning, malice, cruelty and abominations, to the extent that they are let loose. This it was granted me to learn by much experience. 1748, Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2872


Evil spirits continually assail in various ways by deceits, cunning, malice [and] rashness, the good and the things which belong to true faith. Good spirits do not assail, except to defend themselves, as I have continually observed. Evil spirits were asked, who threw shade and contempt on those things which were written, whether they could desist from assailing; they said, No. Wherefore they were told that if their nature is allowed relaxing, they cannot desist; but if they were held in bonds, they can. They were not willing to admit this, although they are well aware that such is the case. In a word, as soon as their bond is relaxed, they rush into all deceits, craftiness, malice, cruelties, and abominable things, as was given me to know from much experience. - 1748, August 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2872 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2872. Quod spiritus mali non desistere possint, quin aggrediantur bonos

Spiritus mali continue aggrediuntur, variis modis, dolis, astutia, malitia, temeritate, bonos et ea quae verae fidei sunt: boni spiritus non aggrediuntur, nisi se defendendo, quod continue observavi; interrogabantur mali spiritus, qui incutiebant umbram et contemtum iis quae scribebantur, num possent desistere, aggredi, dicebant "non," quare iis dicebatur, si relaxatur iis eorum natura, quod non desistere possint, at si tenentur in vinculis, quod possint, hoc non volunt admittere, tametsi probe sciunt, quod ita se res habeat; verbo ut primum iis relaxatur vinculum, ruunt in omnes dolos, astus, malitias, crudelitates, et nefanda, quantum iis relaxatur, quod multa experientia mihi scire datum est. 1748, 21 Aug.

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