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《灵界经历》 第2875节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2875

2875. Abram does not know where the Jews are who had been coming to him for such a long time

Since Abram had been with me so many times unaccompanied by the Jews, I asked him where the Jews were who had come to him so many times, from the time when he lived. He replied that he does not know where they are and was surprised that they had withdrawn one after the other, and had disappeared. So he does not know, saying that he could still call those together who are in that filthy Jerusalem, but this he cannot do either, except with the permission of the Lord. There are still some there who labor with fantasies, and live in the filth. 1748, 21 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2875


Many times when Abraham has been with me unattended by Jews, I asked him where were the Jews, many of whom came to him, from the time when he lived. He replied that he does not know where they are, and wondered that they have successively receded and disappeared; so that he does not know, and still says that he could call together those who were in that filthy Jerusalem: but this cannot be, save from the Lord's permission. Those are there who still labor under phantasies, and pass the time in filthiness. - 1748, August 21

Experientiae Spirituales 2875 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2875. Quod Abramus 1

nesciat ubinam sint Judaei qui tanto tempore ad eum pervenerunt

Cum Abramus 2

toties apud me fuit, non comitatus Judaeis, quaerebam eum, ubinam essent Judaei, qui venerunt tot ad eum, a tempore quo vixit, respondebat, quod nesciat ubinam sunt, et miratus quod recesserint, successive, et disparuerint: sic ut non sciat, dicendo usque quod convocare posset eos qui in foeda ista Jerusalem essent, sed hoc nec potest, nisi ex permissione Domini, sunt ibi qui adhuc phantasiis laborant, et in foeditate degunt. 1748, 21 Aug.


1. In the Manuscript Abrah in Abramus emendatum

2. The Manuscript has Abraham Abramus

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