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《灵界经历》 第2876节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2876

2876. A conversation with a certain deceitful spirit in partnership with Abram

When Abram departed, a certain spirit sent by him took his place, about whom he said he could fool the devil. When he came, he slipped in his deceptions quite skillfully, asking persistently, because all draw their life from the Lord, how could there be such a person [as himself]?-thus imagining that the Lord led him to his deceits.

But I was prompted to reply that it has been decreed from eternity that everyone may enjoy their own life, and not be deprived of it. So he does indeed have life from the Lord, but it is just as with translucent objects shined upon by the sun, in which light is turned into colors, even dirty ones like brown or those approaching black, and other sad colors. It is the light of the sun that is changed so offensively by the object. So it is also in his case, he being an object of life who is of this character and has acquired for himself this form, that is, this nature, hence his life has been made as it is by himself, and continues. 1748, 21 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2876


When Abram departed, there succeeded a certain spirit sent by him, of whom he said that he could deceive the devil, so artfully did he insinuate his deceits - insisting inasmuch as all derive life from the Lord, how could there be such a one; thus supposed that the Lord led him to deceits; but it was given to reply that it was decreed from eternity that each one should enjoy his own life, and not be deprived thereof; wherefore even this [deceitful spirit] also had life from the Lord; but it is with him as with pellucid objects illumined by the sun, wherein the light is turned into colors, even into disagreeable ones, as into browns, blackish [hues], and other sad [colors]: It is the sun's light which is thus changed by the object so disagreeably. Thus also it is with him inasmuch as he is an object of life: he is such a one, as has acquired to himself such a form, that is nature, hence [his] life is thus made by him and continues. - 1748, August 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2876 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2876. Sermo cum spiritu quodam doloso, in consortio cum Abramo

Cum discederet Abram, successit spiritus quidam, ab eo missus, de quo dicebat, quod decipere posset diabolum; cum venit, dolos suos insinuabat satis solerter; insistens, quia vitam omnes trahunt a Domino, quomodo talis esse posset? sic putans, quod Dominus duceret eum ad dolos; sed respondere datum est, quod ab aeterno decretum est, ut quisque suamet vita gauderet, nec ea privaretur, quare etiam a Domino ei quoque vita est, sed se habet sicut objecta pellucida, a sole illustrata, in quibus lux vertitur in colores, etiam in tetros, ut in bruneos, nigrescentes, aliosque tristes, solis lux est, quae ita ab objecto vertitur tam tetre, sic etiam est ei, quia objectum vitae, qui talis est, qui comparavit sibi talem formam, hoc est, naturam, inde vita ita ab eo facta est et 1

persistit. 1748, 21 Aug.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has est

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