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《灵界经历》 第2883节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2883

2883. The world is such today that they want to kill little children

Very often when I was walking the streets, I was shown by the dreadful desires of certain spirits communicated to me, that they wanted to kill little children when they saw them. This happened often [cf. 2119, 2284, 2801].

Today a certain one in the world of spirits whom they did not at all suspect of such a thing, had this same desire in himself, which was exposed by the fact that something infantile was channeled to him, namely, an infantile innocence as of a little child, and as if [coming] through me. Upset by its presence, he said he was inwardly distressed and tormented, so he came up to me, where he still is at my back, and he cannot speak, because his spirit has been almost taken from him.

From this we may learn what the world today is like, that there are people in the world whom one could never suspect of such a thing. He said that public executions had been enjoyable to him during his lifetime. 1748, 22 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2883


Often when I passed through the streets, it was shown me through the horrible cupidities of certain which were communicated [to me], that they wished to kill infants wherever they were seen. This often happened. Today, a certain one in the world of spirits, of whom no such thing was suspected, possessed a similar [characteristic] in himself, which was suddenly manifested by something infantile derived to him, to wit, infantile innocence, as it were from an infant, and as it were through me. At the presence, being startled [perculsus] he said that he was interiorly distressed and tormented, therefore flowed close [alluit] to me, where he is still at my back, and cannot speak, because the spirit as it were, is taken from him: from which it may be known of what quality is the world at this day [and] that there are such in the world, of whom no such thing can be suspected: he said that the spectacles of punishments by death have been pleasant to him in life. - 1748, August 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2883 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2883. Quod mundus talis hodie sit, ut infantes velint interficere

Saepius cum in plateis irem, ostensum mihi est, per communicatas horrendas cupiditates quorundam, quod infantes, ubi viderentur, vellent occidere, quod saepe contigit [cf. 2119, 2[284], hodie quidam in mundo spirituum, de quo nihil tale suspicati sunt, simile etiam penes se habuit, quod manifestabatur subito per id quod infantile ad eum derivaretur, nempe innocentia infantilis quasi ab infante, et quasi per me, ex cujus praesentia is perculsus dixit quod interius angeretur, et cruciaretur, sic ad me alluit, ubi adhuc a tergo est, nec potest loqui, quia ei quasi spiritus ademptus est: ex quibus scire licet, qualis hodie mundus est, quod talee sint in mundo, de quibus tale suspicari non possunt, dixit quod spectacula punitionum quoad mortem ei jucunda fuerint in vita. 1748, 22 Aug.

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