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《灵界经历》 第289节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 289

289. About the harmony among angels, even so far as a speaking of many in unison

By prolonged experience this morning, through the mercy of God the Messiah I was shown that angels cannot live together in blessedness unless they are the kind that can speak and act together. Blessedness consists in unanimity and harmony, whereby many, even very many, consider themselves to be a one. For from many agreeing together, or a harmony of many, comes a oneness, which results in blessedness and happiness and, from a shared feeling of happiness, a doubled and tripled happiness.

289. 1/2. As for their speech, today by a lengthy experience I was shown many at the same time speaking, thinking and understanding together, as is usual in the heavens.

I was also shown that when there is anyone among them who thinks by himself, or who wants to say anything more [than the rest] due to some kind of love, or to a habit formed because of a given love; or if others who are not similar are brought into their company - especially when they are not yet prepared by a purging process, and initiated - then that discordancy among the many is at once quite clearly felt, so that it can never fail to be found out who of the spirits is at variance. So that spirit is dissociated in some way, depending upon the nature of his dissent, until such a time as he is prepared, and becomes accustomed to joining in, and to taking an active part himself in creating heavenly harmony.

Therefore it is unanimity coming from the love of society, this in turn coming from the love of God the Messiah, which makes what is heavenly. 1747, the 3rd day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 289


By the mercy of God Messiah it was shown me this morning by much experience, that the angels are unable to live together in blessedness, unless they are such that they speak and act together. Blessedness consists in unanimity and harmony, so that many, even very many, suppose themselves to be one. For from many agreeing together, or from the harmony of many, there exists a one from which there is blessedness and felicity; and from the concord of felicities, the felicity is doubled and trebled.

289 1/2. This was shown me today by much experience with regard to speech, for as is the case in the heavens, many speak, think and perceive together. It was also shown that when there is anyone among them who thinks in himself, or who from some love, or from a habit formed from some love, wants to say more, or if others are associated who are not similar, especially if they have not as yet been prepared and initiated by vastation, then that dissent among the many is at once perceived quite manifestly. In this way there can be no mistake in perceiving which of the spirits dissents. He is therefore dissociated in some way according to his dissent, until he is prepared and accustomed to be in unity, and as a part, also form the heavenly harmony; so that the unanimity that comes from a love of society and this from a love of God Messiah, may form what is heavenly. 1747, Dec. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 289 (original Latin 1748-1764)

289. De harmonia angelorum, etiam quoad loquelam plurium simultaneam

Pluri experientia hoc mane, ex misericordia Dei Messiae, ostensum est, quod angeli nequeant simul in beatitudine vivere, nisi tales sint, ut simul loquantur, et agant; in unanimitate et harmonia consistit beatitudo, ita ut plures ac permulti autument se unum esse, nam ex pluribus consentientibus seu harmonia plurium existit unum, ex quo beatitudo, et felicitas, et ex consensu felicitatum, duplicata et triplicata felicitas.

289a. Quod ad loquelam hoc hodie pluri experientia ostensum est, plures enim simul, ut fit in coelis, simul loquuntur, cogitant et percipiunt, ostensum etiam quod dum aliquis inter eos sit, qui in se cogitat, qui aliquid plus velit dicere ex quocunque amore, vel ex habitu ex amore quodam formato, aut si alii qui non similes sunt, associantur, imprimis quando adhuc per vastationem non sunt praeparati, ac initiati, tunc dissensus iste inter plures illico satis manifeste percipitur, sic ut nusquam falli possit, quin percipiatur quinam ex spiritibus dissentit, quare is dissociatur aliquo modo, secundum dissensum ejus, usque dum praeparatus, et adsuescit una esse, et harmoniam coelestem ut pars quoque formare; sic ut unanimitas, quae venit ex amore societatis, et [amor] hujus ex amore Dei Messiae, formet coeleste. 1747, d. 3 Dec.

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