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《灵界经历》 第2891节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2891

2891. I added that there is no hatred, nor revenge, for at the same moment that they stop, nothing evil befalls them, but they are well accepted and can be friends, as they were then told so they would know that evil is resisted by the Lord's servants without hatred and revenge. For there is such a balance that when those who are servants of the Lord seem to themselves to be resisting out of anger, there are the kind of spirits present who work this into them as if it were in them, doing so out of some enjoyment coming from hatred or revenge (thus imagining that this also comes from themselves), so that [the servants of the Lord] do not know otherwise but that the anger comes from themselves, whereas it is from those spirits, who think themselves able to do this from their own power.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2891

2891. It was added, that there is no hatred nor vengeance, for as soon as they cease, no evil happens to them but they are well received, and can be friends; which was then told them; that they might know that it is done by the servants of the Lord, without hatred and vengeance; for such is equilibrium, that when man, who is servant of the Lord, seems to himself to resist from anger, there are spirits of such a nature, who operate it into him as if [it were] in him, out of a certain pleasantness, hatred or vengeance; thus, also, suppose [it proceeds] from themselves, so that he does not know other than that [it proceeds] from himself, when yet it is from them who suppose they can [effect] it from their own power.

Experientiae Spirituales 2891 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2891. Addebatur 1

, quod non odium sit nec vindicta, nam eodem momento quo cessant, nihil mali eis 2

fit, sed bene acceptantur, et possunt amici esse; quod iis dein dictum est; ut scirent quod fiat a Domino servis absque odio et vindicta. Nam tale est aequilibrium, ut dum homo, qui est servus Domini, videtur sibi ex iracundia resistere, quod {a} spiritus tales sint, qui operantur id 3

in eum sicut in eo, ex quadam jucunditate ex odio aut vindicta, sic putantes quoque ex semet, ut non aliter sciat quam quod ex semet, cum tamen ab iis, qui putant id posse ex suis viribus.


1. The Manuscript has Aug: addebatur

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has ei

3. In the Manuscript ed in id emendatum

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