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《灵界经历》 第2892节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2892

2892. A certain one spoke with me, saying that he was the one, adding that he could work through the inward regions of thoughts, and does not know how this could be possible, since in the life of the body he had never thought in this way, but had only had thoughts composed of simple ideas, and he now realizes that he is in an inward realm, because he details others' simple mental images with many of his own. He calls this filling up someone's single idea with many, a process of which an earthly human or a spirit, who has such single ideas, is unaware. 1748, 23 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2892

2892. A certain one spoke with me, saying, that he has been [of such a nature]; adding that he can operate through the interiors of thought, and does not know how he could have been of such a nature, when [since] in the life of the body he has never thought in such a manner, but only had simple ideas of thoughts, and now perceives that he is in an interior sphere, to wit, that from many of his [ideas] he produces simple ideas with others, which he calls to fill up a single idea of anyone, with many things, whereof man or spirit who has only such ideas, is ignorant. - 1748, August 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 2892 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2892. Quidam mecum loquutus est, dicens, quod is fuerit, addens, quod operari possit per cogitationum 1

interiora, et non sciat, quomodo talis potuisset esse, cum in vita corporis nusquam ita cogitaverit, sed habuerit modo cogitationum 2

simplices ideas, et nunc percipit quod in interiore sphaera sit, nempe quod simplices ideas ex multis suis apud alios efficiat, quod vocat adimplere unam alicujus ideam multis, quae homo, aut spiritus, qui unas tales ideas habet, nescit. 1748, 23 Aug.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition cogitationis

2. The Manuscript has cogitationum

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