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《灵界经历》 第2895节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2895

2895. A large horse, and a shining image were seen

During a persistent persecution by inward spirits, when I seemed to be resisting their attempts [2889], a horse appeared, which was galloping toward the left side, where they were, and in galloping it stretched out as a horse does, lengthening as it progressed so that the [whole] space was a horse, so to speak. Then something appeared that suggested the thought that it was the Lord, although it was a different indescribable image, shining around the shoulders, as if flaming at the shoulders.

The thought was imparted to me that such a horse is a sign that those among them who are upright spirits, thus possessing understanding, were being separated from the evil ones; and the shining image a sign that those who were good guardian spirits, possessing good feelings, were being separated. For that gang was to be dispelled, and lest the upright should be among them, they were being separated thence. For these inward spirits and demons can easily lead the upright astray so that they do not know that they are not of the same character, for such is their communication and infection. They take away from the upright all their ability, so to speak, of seeing and feeling differently than themselves, for this is how they work, as is clear to me from much experience. 1748, 23 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2895


When persecution by interior spirits persisted, and I seemed to resist their attempts, then was seen a horse, which proceeded to the left, where they were, and by progressing, there was a continuation, as it were, of the horse, so that it was progressively prolonged to such a degree that the [whole] space was, as it were, a horse. Next was seen something which injected into the thought that it was the Lord, though [it was] another shape [effigies] which cannot be described, bright about the shoulders, as it were, flamy about the shoulder. It was insinuated that such a horse signifies that they who were amongst them from upright spirits, therefore, from the intellectual, were separated from the evil, and the bright shape; that those who were from the good genii, who had good affections, were separated; for that crew should be scattered, and lest the upright should be therein, they were separated thence; for such interior spirits and genii can easily seduce the upright, so that these cannot know other than that they are similar to them; for such is the communication and insertion. They take from them, as it were, all power of perceiving and feeling otherwise than they; for thus they operate, as is evident to me from much experience. - 1748, August 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 2895 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2895. Visus equus magnus, et imago lucens

Cum perstabat persecutio a spiritibus interioribus, et resistere videbar eorum tentaminibus [2889], tunc visus est equus, qui progrediebatur sinistram, ubi erant progrediendo continuabatur sicut equus; ita ut sic progressive elongatus, ut spatium esset quasi equus: dein visum est aliquid, quod injiciebat cogitationi quod esset Dominus, tametsi effigies alia quae describi nequit, lucens circa humeros, quasi flammeus humeros; insinuabatur quod significet equus talis, quod qui interessent iis ex probis spiritibus, sic intellectualibus, ii separabantur a malis effigies lucens, quod qui 1

essent ex bonis geniis, quibus affectiones bonae, separabantur, nam turba ista dispelleretur 2

, et ne probi interesent, ii separabantur inde; nam tales interiores spiritus et genii possunt facile probos seducere, sic ut nesciant aliter, quam quod similes 3

istis sint, nam talis est communicatio et infectio 4

; adimunt iis omnem quasi potentiam percipiendi 5

et sentiendi aliter, ac ii, nam sic operantur, quod multa experientia mihi constat. 1748, 23 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has qui qui sed stilo B. Chastanier in qui que mutatum

2. The Manuscript has dispeeleretur

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has similis

4. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition insertio

5. The Manuscript has percipiendi

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