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《灵界经历》 第2894节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2894

2894. In general it must be maintained that all things I have written in this book 1have not been written in any other way than from actual experience, from conversation with spirits and angels, from thought communicated as tacit speech; then when I was writing, from things imparted by those who for the most part were together at the time while they were being experienced, and from their guidance of my thoughts, the things written, my hand. So everything written in these three books and elsewhere, though here and there disconnected, are nevertheless experiences, and everything in its own way from spirits, or angels-this likewise having been guided by spirits next to my head. For I have in every case perceived their presence. 1748, 23 Aug.


1. See the preface to Experientiae Spirituales, pages viii and ix.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2894

2894. It is to be held in general, that all things, which I have written in this book, are written, wholly from living experience from conversation with spirits and angels, from thought, like tacit speech, communicated [to me], also, I wrote when of the things insinuated by them who were then together, they experienced them to the fullest extent; and under their direction as to thoughts, writings, hand, so that everything which in these three books, and elsewhere is written, though occasionally incoherent, still pertains to experience, and everything in its manner [proceed] from spirits or angels; this is likewise directed by spirits next my head, for I have as often perceived their presence. - 1748, August 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 2894 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2894. In genere tenendum est, quod omnia quae scripsi in hoc libro {a}, non aliter scripta sint, quam ab experientia viva, a colloquutione cum spiritibus et angelis, a cogitatione sicut loquela tacita, communicata, tum cum scriberem, ab insinuatis ab iis qui fuerunt tunc simul cum experirentur utplurimum, et eorum directione, quoad cogitata, scripta, manum, sic ut omnia quae in tribus his libris {a}, et alioquin scripta sunt, tametsi passim non cohaerentia, usque experientiae sunt, et quodlibet suo modo ex spiritibus, aut angelis, hoc similiter directum a spiritibus proxime capiti meo, nam praesentiam eorum toties percepi. 1748, 23 Aug.

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