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《灵界经历》 第2903节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2903

2903. Things depicted on earth remaining after the life of the body

Just as fantasies taken up by spirits while they lived on earth remain with them and return from time to time in the other life, so also does imagery taken in visually, such as beautiful glades, gardens, palaces, and the like, in which they had delighted in life. Souls after death are introduced into similar scenes, which vary according to each one's character, until they come into better ones. This is evident to me from experience and from talking now and then with those who have found a pleasant life in such surroundings. 1748, 23 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2903


Like as the phantasies taken up by spirits in the world while they lived, still remain and return in the other life, so also imaginations taken [gotten] from sight, for instance, beautiful spots of verdure [vireta], gardens, palaces, and the like, wherewith they were delighted in life; souls are introduced into the like after death, and are varied according to each one's disposition, till they come into better [ones]. This was evident to me from experience, and occasionally from those with whom I spoke, who have attained a pleasant life in the like. - 1748, August 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 2903 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2903. De repraesentatis in tellure remanentibus post vitam corporis

Sicut apud spiritus phantasiae captae in mundo, dum vixerunt, remanent et passim redeunt in altera vita, ita etiam imaginationes ex visu captae, sicut pulchra vireta, horti, palatia, et similia, quibus delectati in vita, in similes introducuntur animae post mortem, et variantur secundum cujusvis indolem; usque dum in meliores veniant: quod experientia mihi constat, et ab iis passim, cum quibus loquutus sum, qui in similibus vitam jucundam nacti. 1748, 23 Aug.

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