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《灵界经历》 第2909节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2909

2909. Acquaintances in bodily life find each other in the other life

This I know, that acquaintances, whether associates or friends or those they worship, find each other in the other life; so let people beware of hatred, revenge, envy, lies, adoration, and the like, for these things in the other life sometimes miserably annoy them. For they come together, that is, those who worship human beings as their protectors, such as Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and others, also the Mohammedans their Mohamed, and so on. They are led to them and speak with them, as also are friends mutually, and then the inward qualities of the friendship are thoroughly laid bare-so let them beware! 1748, 24 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2909


This I know, that acquaintances, whether associates or friends, or those whom they worship, meet with each other in the other life: wherefore let men beware of hatreds, vengeance, envy, falsities, adorations and the like, for such things sometimes miserably afflict them in the other life: for they come together: thus they who worship men as their protector, such as Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and others, also Mahommedans [who worship] their Mahommed, and so forth, are led to them, and speak with them. Thus also [do] friends [talk] together, and then the interiors of friendship are thoroughly discovered: wherefore let them be on their guard. - 1748, August 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 2909 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2909. Quod noti in vita corporis, in altera vita se inveniant

Hoc scio, quod noti, sive socii sint, sive amici, sive quos colunt, in altera vita se inveniant, quare sibi caveant homines ab odiis, vindictis, invidiis, falsitatibus, adorationibus et similibus, nam talia in altera vita quandoque misere eos vexant, nam conveniunt, ita qui homines colunt ut suos tutores, ut Mosen, Abrahamum, Jacobum, aliosque, etiam Mahumedani suum Mahumed, et sic porro, ad eos ducuntur, et cum iis loquuntur; ita quoque amici inter se, et tunc interiora amicitiae probe deteguntur, quare caveant sibi. 1748, 24 Aug.

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