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《灵界经历》 第2919节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2919

2919. On uprightness from fear

There was a certain one (Abram) who when he was in fear fled up to me at my back, and there hid himself, and was quite upright. Then I spoke with him about uprightness, saying that there is an uprightness that comes from fear, as when people fear for the loss of their life or respectability. They lapse into a kind of uprightness out of fear, and since he was of this kind, he imagined that he too was upright, but I do not perceive that he wants goodness; true uprightness and goodness is of the Lord, which reveals itself by the fact that one wills well toward all.

People can possess an uprightness due to fear-indeed, that uprightness can increase even to an adoration of the Lord - but as soon as they are outside of the fear, they return to their malice.

This was written in his presence, and confirmed; for true uprightness or goodness must be in a state of no fear. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2919


There was a certain one (Abram), who when he was in fear, fled to me, to my back, and there hid himself and was quite upright [probus]. I then spoke with him concerning probity, that [his] probity is of fear; further, that when they fear the loss of their life and their honors, they fall into a sort of probity, which is of fear, and when he was of such a nature [in such a state], he supposed that he also was upright, but I do not perceive that he wills the good. True probity and goodness is of the Lord, which is manifested by wishing well to all. They can be held [kept] in the probity of fear, yea, that probity can be increased even to the adoring of the Lord; but as soon as they are beyond [the influence of] fear, they return to malice: which was written in his presence, and confirmed; for true probity or goodness must be in no state of fear. - 1748, August 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 2919 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2919. De probitate ex timore

Erat quidam (Abram) qui cum in timore esset, ad me ad tergum aufugit, ibique se recondidit, et erat satis probus, cum quo tunc loquutus de probitate, quod probitas sit timoris, tum cum jacturam timent suae vitae, et sui honoris, cadunt in probitatis speciem, quae est timoris, et cum talis erat, putabat quod quoque probus esset, sed non percipio quod velit bonum, vera probitas et bonitas est Domini, quae manifestatur per id, quod omnibus bene velit, in probitate timoris teneri possunt, imo probitas ista augeri usque ad adorationem Domini, sed mox ut extra timorem sunt, redeunt ad malitiam; quod in praesentia ejus scriptum, et confirmatum; nam probitas vera seu bonitas debet esse in statu nullius timoris. 1748, 24 1



1. sic Manuscript fortasse pro 25; vide annotationes ad 2923, 2924, 2931, 2932

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