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《灵界经历》 第2918节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2918

2918. How mankind is also led to good goals, even by the evil

It was noted today that evil spirits who were controlling my thoughts were pouring in goals or uses from their standpoint for the sake of evil, but [which were turned] by the Lord to a good purpose, so that the intention of the evil hardly appeared. For they want a thing, this or that use, for an evil motive, but the use was being directed by the Lord toward a good purpose, so that the evil spirit's intention or purpose was hardly discernible. Thus is mankind by means of evil spirits, directed by the Lord toward good. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2918


It was observed, today, that evil spirits who ruled the thoughts, infused ends or uses, with [in] them, on account of evil, but [that it is turned] by the Lord to a good end, so that there scarce appeared the intention of evils [the evil]; for they only desire this, to wit, this or that use, from an evil end; but the use was determined by the Lord to a good end, so that there was scarcely perceived the intention or end of evils [the evil]. Thus man is directed by the Lord, through evil spirits, to good. - 1748, August 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 2918 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2918. Quomodo etiam homo ad bonos fines, etiam ducitur a malis

Observatum hodie, quod spiritus mali, qui regebant cogitationes, quod infunderent fines seu usus, apud eos, propter malum, sed a Domino ad finem bonum, sic ut vix apparuerit malorum intentio, solum enim hoc seu hunc aut eum usum volunt ex malo fine, sed usus determinabatur a Domino ad finem bonum, sic ut vix perciperetur malorum intentio seu finis; ita per malos spiritus a Domino regitur homo ad bonum. 1748, 25 Aug.

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