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《灵界经历》 第2921节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2921

2921. When Abram was in a state of being humbled and of fleeing, so to speak, he imagined out of fear that the gyre would return after a certain amount of time, but it was given me to tell him that others like him can be adopted in his place (as happened for several days), who were entirely like him, so that one could not tell them and him apart, and he himself would not know but that it was Abram- which is an easy matter in the world of spirits - and that he could be reduced to a state in which he would no longer hear or be aware of those who worship him.

This was also demonstrated, for others came up in his place and impersonated him so exactly that it was as if he himself were not Abram, as he was also made to perceive it. Abram hears these words, being now near the left foot. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2921


When Abram was in [that] state of humiliation, and, as it were, of flight [arising] from fear, he supposed that the gyre would return after some time; but it was granted to tell him, that other similar [spirits] can be admitted [adscisci] in his place (as happened for several days), who were entirely similar to him, so that they could not be distinguished from him, and he does not know other than that it was Abram. This easily happens in the world of spirits: and that he could have been reduced to [such] a state as to no longer hear or have a perception of those who worship him; which was also shown; for others succeeded in his place, and acted his person so well, that he was, as it were, not Abram. This was also granted me to perceive. These things are heard by Abram; he is now about the left foot. - 1748, August 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 2921 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2921. Quod loco eorum qui adorantur alii adscisci possint

Putabat Abram cum esset in statu humiliationis et quasi fugae, ex timore, quod rediret gyrus post aliquantum temporis, sed dicere ei dabatur, quod alii similes loco ejus adscisci possint (sicut factum per aliquot dies), qui similes ei prorsus essent, sic ut non dignoscerentur ab eo, et is nec sciret aliter ac quod Abram esset, quod facile est in mundo spirituum; et quod is potuisset redigi in statum, ut non amplius audiret aut perceptionem haberet eorum, qui eum colunt; quod etiam ostensum est, nam alii loco ejus subibant, et agebant ejus personam ita, ut is quasi non Abram esset, quod quoque percipere dabatur; haec audit Abram, nunc est circa sinistrum pedem. 1748, 24 1



1. sic Manuscript fortasse pro 25; vide annotationes ad 2923, 2924, 2931, 2932

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