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《灵界经历》 第2922节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2922

2922. About the dreadful scheming and plotting of certain inward spirits

It was heard and found out by others that they were making plans to kill me, or utterly destroy my inward qualities, killing me by means of those who had knives, and destroying me by breathing cruelty into my mental imagery, which was being called forth. This was the premeditated plan of inward deceitful spirits, who are forward in front of the forehead, above, a little to the right. It was heard and found out by others, but not by me. And they adopted Abram to be their medium. It was said of him that he had formerly not dared such an abominable thing. The plan was first uncovered by this, that they were portraying cutting the throat of an innocent woman, cruelly with a knife.

This showed that Abram took part in the planning. Therefore, those cutthroat robbers were let loose upon him and treated him miserably, so that he would not accustom himself to such practices. This was the reason for his flight, for they had treated him miserably. After that the plan was discovered. Other spirits found out about it, and the knives showed up with the robbers, which were taken up, and afterwards the knives of those who were devising this cunning plan. They said at the time that they were unable to get rid of them, even though they imagined formerly that they could do anything, and no harm could possibly be brought upon them-so much do they trust in their own skill, prudence, and cunning.

2921[a]. They had in fact been told before that their power is such that all of them, even if they were myriads, would flee before a single fly as though it would kill all of them by itself. This was grasped by means of a spiritual mental image and thus corroborated, also with them, as I was able to discern. 1748, 25 Aug.

No one [exists] except for a use, including evil spirits, and even for performing a use to enemies, whom they hate

[Editor's note: This material is numbered 2921[a] in the manuscript, but it is contained in 2922, and appears to belong here. The Odhner translation and the Buss translation both include it in 2022.]

2922[a]. I said to one spirit who hates all those he calls enemies, namely the faithful-I said, since I knew that he intended something evil, and had inflicted harm-that he must perform a use, and that there is this law of order, that even the evil must perform a use to enemies, namely, as was seen by a spiritual mental image, that through persecutions and punishments, good things result, and his enemies become better. He was very indignant when he heard that he was of use even to his enemies. 1748, 25 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2922


It was heard and perceived by others that they took counsel to kill me, or to wholly destroy my interiors to kill me, by means of those who had knives, and to destroy [my interiors] by inspiring cruelty into the ideas which were called up. Such was the counsel of [those] interior spirits [who are] deceitful from premeditation; who are in front before the forehead, on high, a little to the right. This was heard and perceived by others, but not by me; and they took Abram to be for their object; concerning this, he said that he had not previously attempted so abominable a thing. The contrivance [plot] was first detected by this: that they slaughtered cruelly with a knife, a certain innocent [child] by representation; from which it was apparent that Abram was of [their counsels]; wherefore, those robbers or cut-throats [cultrarii] were let loose [immissi] upon him, and treated him miserably; so that he might not accustom himself to such [practices]. This was the cause of his flight, for he was miserably treated by them; afterwards, the plot [consilium] was disclosed; for it was perceived by other spirits; and the knives appeared with the robbers, who were admitted [adsciti]; and afterwards, with those who contrived this deceitful plot; from which they then said they cannot be liberated; although they, at first, supposed they could effect all things, and that no harm could be brought on them; for they thus confide in their [propriae] own art, prudence, and deceit.

2921. [b.] It was also previously said to them, that such is their power, that if there should be all, or myriads [together], they would flee before a single fly, as if it alone could kill all [of them]. This was perceived in spiritual idea, and thus confirmed even with them, I could perceive. - 1748, August 24.


I said to a certain spirit, who hates all whom he calls enemies, to wit, infidels, I said, since I knew that he purposed evil, and inflicted harm, that he must needs perform a use; and that such is the law of order, that even the evil must perform a use to enemies, to wit, as was perceived in spiritual idea, that by persecutions and punishments, goods may hence be derived, and his enemies become better; whereat he was very indignant, when he heard that he was of such a use even to [his] enemies. - 1748, August 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 2922 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2922. De horrendis consiliis et machinamentis quorundam spirituum interiorum

Auditum est et perceptum ab aliis 1

, quod consilia inirent, ut me necarent, aut prorsus interiora mea perderent, necarent per tales quibus cultri sunt, et perderent per inspirationem crudelitatis in ideas, quae evocarentur, tale consilium erat interiorum spirituum dolosorum ex praemeditato, qui sunt antrorsum ante frontem, superne, paulo ad dextrum, hoc auditum et perceptum ab aliis, non autem a me, et adsciscebant Abramum, ut esset objectum eorum, de quo dicebatur, quod tale nefandum prius non ausus, quod consilium detectum primum erat, per id quod insontem quandam jugularent repraesentatione, per cultrum, crudeliter; ex quo constabat, quod Abram esset e consiliis, quare latrones isti, seu cultrarii in eum immissi sunt, et [eum] miserabiliter tractabant, ut non adsuesceret talibus, inde causa fugae ejus, nam ab iis misere erat tractatus; postea detegebatur consilium, nam perceptum ab aliis spiritibus et cultri apparebant apud latrones, qui adsciti sunt, et postmodum cultri apud eos qui dolosum hoc consilium nectebant, a quibus tunc se liberari 2

non posse dicebant, tametsi putarent prius se omnia posse, et nihil damni eis posse inferri, nam propriae arti, prudentiae 3

et dolo ita fidunt.

2921[a] 1

. Dictum quoque iis prius erat, quod talis eorum potentia sit, ut omnes si vel essent myriades pro una musca fugerent, tanquam ea sola omnes necaret, quod idea spirituali perceptum, et sic confirmatum, etiam penes eos, percipere potui. 1748, 24 2


Quod nullus, nisi propter usum, etiam mali spiritus, et quidem ad usum praestandum inimicis, quos odio habent

2922[a] 1

. Dixi cuidam spiritui, qui odio habet omnes quos vocat inimicos, nempe fideles, dixi, cum scirem quod intenderet malum, et damnum intulerit, quod usum praestare debeat, et quod talis lex ordinis sit, ut quoque mali usum praestare debeant inimicis, nempe, quod idea spirituali perceptum, quod per persecutiones et punitiones, inde bona eveniant, et meliores fiant inimici ejus, quod multum indignatus, cum audiret quod usus 3

esset etiam inimicis. 1748, 24 2



1. The Manuscript has alii

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has arti prudentiae

1. numerus repetitus in the Manuscript

2. sic Manuscript fortasse pro 25; vide annotationes ad 2923, 2924, 2931, 2932

1. numerus repetitus in the Manuscript

2. sic Manuscript fortasse pro 25; vide annotationes ad 2923, 2924, 2931, 2932

3. In the Manuscript is tali usu in usus emendatum

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