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《灵界经历》 第2946节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2946

2946. It is also a truth of faith that good is not ascribed to such a one, either, for it is the Lord Who Alone works goodness, so it cannot be ascribed to the person. For those who claim goodness to themselves want to be saved by their own merits, when yet they can do nothing of themselves. As for the reward promised to one who does good, this comes by way of pure mercy to those whom the Lord leads, for no one can merit anything of good from self, but the Lord gives it to the person from Himself, because from His Mercy, and on account of Himself, because He is mercy Itself. 1748, 27 Aug.

These words [were written] in the presence of those who had been of the doctrine of this faith, but not with inward conviction. So they could not deny, because from their doctrine they could not deny. But if they had dared to from inward conviction, then they would have resisted, which also shows how a person was persuaded of a truth from doctrine alone, or faith by knowledge. I judge, however, that of those who were present, some belonged in part to faith of the understanding.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2946

2946. Also that good is not attributed to him, this also is a truth of faith: for it is the Lord, who alone operates good, wherefore it cannot be attributed to him. For they who claim good to themselves wish to be saved from their proper [proprus] merits, though [since] they can do nothing of themselves. As respects reward, which is promised to him who does good, this comes from pure mercy towards those whom the Lord leads: for no one can merit any good from himself, but the Lord gives to him from himself, because from his mercy and for his own sake, because he is Mercy itself. - 1748, August 27: these things [are written] in their presence, who have been of the doctrine of this faith, but not in interior persuasion: wherefore they could not deny because they could not form doctrine: but if they had dared from interior persuasion, they would then have persuaded concerning truth from doctrine alone, or scientific faith. Nevertheless I presume those who were present have been a part of them of intellectual faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 2946 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2946. Quod nec tribuatur ei bonum, hoc quoque veritas fidei, nam Dominus est, Qui Solus operatur bonum, quare ei tribui nequit; nam qui vindicant sibi bonum, ex propriis meritis volunt salvari, cum ne hilum ex se possint; quod mercedem attinet, quae promittitur ei qui bonum agit, hoc a pura misericordia erga eos, quos Dominus ducit, venit, nam nullus aliquid boni ex semet mereri potest, sed Dominus ei dat a Semet, quia ab Ipsius misericordia, et propter Semet, quia est Ipsa misericordia. 1748, 27 Aug. Haec in praesentia eorum, qui ex fidei hujus 1

doctrina fuerint, sed non in persuasione interiore, quare non potuerunt negare, quia ex doctrina non potuerunt, at si ex interiore persuasione ausi fuissent, tunc restitissent, ex quo etiam constare potest, quomodo homo persuasus est de veritate ex sola doctrina, seu fide scientifica; arbitror tamen eos, qui aderant, fuisse quosdam quoad partem ex fide intellectuali.


1. In the Manuscript supra semideletum hujus apparet verbum illegibile, forte alius

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