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《灵界经历》 第2947节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2947

2947. On the four grades of faith

About this subject I have just now also spoken, that is, that there are four grades of faith [see 2474], namely faith by knowledge, when I know matters of faith only by learning, holding them in the memory, and by memory telling and preaching them to others, or for the sake of honor because I know them, that I am learned, accruing merit in society. Thus it is a matter of memory that the person calls faith but does not believe, not in the least. Such are evil pastors and preachers.

The second grade is faith by understanding or intellectual faith, when I am convinced mentally, either by the coherence of the material, or by much that is confirmatory, whether this be things in nature or spiritual ones, so that I am mentally convinced. But still it is cast back into the memory, because it does not make an appearance in life so that one lives according to those things-except when this arouses respect for oneself, reputation, and the like. So it is only a crust, of which little if any part is joined to the nucleus, or affection.

The third grade is the first conviction, namely, when one is convinced from the Lord that things are as [stated in the Word]: then as often as one is warned that a thing is so, one endeavors to change one's way of living, and thus, conscience dictating, one lives according to faith.

The fourth grade is conviction, when we cannot live differently than we believe, realizing now that we are being led by the Lord; so this conviction is joined with the inner sight spoken of earlier [897-902, 1405-1409]. 1748, 27 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2947


I have now also spoken concerning these: the four degrees of faith, that there are four: to wit, scientific faith, which consist in my knowing only scientifically [as a matter of knowledge] the things which belong to faith, and holding them in [my] memory, and from memory relating and preaching them to others or for the sake of honor, knowing, being learned, meriting somewhat in society. Thus it is an affair of the memory. He calls it faith, but does not believe, not even the least. Such are evil pastors and preachers. Another degree is faith in the understanding [intellectu] or intellectual faith, to wit: when I am intellectually persuaded, either from the connection of things, or confirmation of many things, natural or spiritual so that I am intellectually persuaded - but still it is kept back in the memory, because it does not come forth in life, in such a way that the life is according to these things, save when honor for self-reputation and the like excite it. Wherefore it is only a shell [crusta], which has little or no connection with the nucleus or affection. The third degree is the first persuasion, to wit: when [one] is persuaded by the Lord, that it is so: then as often as he is admonished a thing is so, so often does he attempt to act differently: thus conscience dictates - he acts according to faith. The fourth degree is persuasion: when he cannot act different from what he believes: for he then perceives himself to be led by the Lord. Wherefore this persuasion is conjoined with perception, whereof [I have treated] previously. - 1748, August 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2947 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2947. De quatuor gradibus fidei

De iis nunc quoque loquutus sum [h.e.] de fidei gradibus quod quatuor sint [vide 2474], nempe fides scientifica, quod sciam ea quae sunt fidei modo scientifice, teneamque in memoria, et ex memoria aliis narrem et praedicem, seu honoris causa quod sciam, doctus sim, aliquid merear in societate, ita est res memoriae, [quam talis] vocat fidem sed non credit, ne minimum quidem, tales sunt mali pastores, et praedicatores. Alter gradus est fides intellectu seu intellectualis, quod nempe intellectualiter persuasus sum, sive ex nexu rerum, sive ex confirmatione plurium, sive naturalium, sive spiritualium, ut sic intellectualiter persuasus sim, sed usque rejectum in memoriam, quia non occurrit in vita, ut vivat secundum ea, nisi dum excitat id honor sui, fama, et similia, quare est modo crusta, quae parum si quicquam nexa est cum nucleo, seu affectione: tertius gradus est persuasio prima, nempe cum persuadeatur a Domino, quod ita sit, tunc toties admonetur quod res ita se habeat, quoties aliter agere conatur, et sic conscientia dictante, agit secundum fidem; quartus gradus est persuasio, tunc non aliter agere potest, ac credit, nam percipit tunc se duci a Domino, quare persuasio haec conjuncta est cum perceptione, de qua prius [897-902, 1405-1409]. 1748, 27 Aug.

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