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《灵界经历》 第2948节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2948

2948. Knowing what harmony is like, and such knowledge as what happiness in heaven is like, does not contribute to happiness

By a spiritual mental image I was enabled together with others who were with me to see quite clearly that knowing what harmony and thus happiness in heaven is like contributes nothing to happiness. Rather, it takes it away when knowledge is present. For one who knows nothing at all is still in harmony and from that in happiness, for the Lord works without the angel knowing it, but when he knows, and wishes to enter it knowingly as one who is well instructed, then he does so from self and disturbs the harmony in himself and in those in his society. This was evident in many ways, for then his mental image is bent back to knowing, thus to self, and so he turns away from his companions, consequently from the Lord. Therefore, those who do not know, and yet are [in harmony and happiness], are much better off.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2948


It was given me to perceive, with others in spiritual idea, that to know the nature of harmony, and hence of felicity in heaven, does not contribute to felicity; but when knowledge is present, it rather takes away [felicity]. For he, who never knows anything, is still in harmony, and hence in felicity; for the Lord acts without the angel knowing it. But when he knows, and wishes at the same time to be therein from knowledge [scientia], as if then instructed, he then [acts] from himself and so disturbs the harmony in himself and in those who are in society. This is evident from many things, because his idea is then of such a nature that he reflects upon knowing [in scire], and upon himself and so averts himself from [his] companions; consequently, from the Lord; wherefore, they who do not know, and there are [such] still, are much better.

Experientiae Spirituales 2948 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2948. Quod scire qualis est harmonia, et similia, sic qualis est felicitas in coelo, hoc non contribuat ad felicitatem

Idea spirituali, cum aliis mecum, percipere dabatur satis manifeste, quod scire qualis est harmonia et inde felicitas in coelo, nihil contribuat ad felicitatem, sed potius demat, cum scientia praesens est, nam qui nusquam aliquid scit, is usque in harmonia et inde felicitate est, nam Dominus agit, absque quod sciat angelus, at cum scit, et simul ex scientia interesse velit, sicut tunc instructior, tunc ex semet, et sic turbat harmoniam in se et in iis qui in societate, quod ex multis constitit, quia idea ejus tunc talis est, quae reflectitur in scire, et in semet, et sic avertit se a sociis, proinde a Domino, quare ii qui non sciunt, et usque sunt, meliores multo sunt.

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