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《灵界经历》 第2950节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2950

2950. About mankind's Fall

By a spiritual mental image it was granted to me and other spirits and angels who were with me to see how humanity fell, namely that the most ancient Church had been in a state of faith and consequently in company with spirits and angels, and people were just as united as if they were in heaven-like those best ones on another planet, spoken of [earlier, 539 ff.] - but that they fell away, so that the contemplation of inward things withdrew from humanity, until today they are [living] only in superficialities. 1748, 27 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2950


It was granted me, and others, spirits, and angels who [were] with [penes] me, to perceive in spiritual idea, how the fall of man [occurred], to wit, that the most ancient church was in faith, and thus in company with spirits and angels, and so united, as to be, as it were, in heaven. Like those best [ones] in another earth [tellure], of whom [I have spoken]; but that they withdrew [desciverint], and so the interiors and intuitions have receded from man, until at this day they are only in externals. - 1748, August 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2950 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2950. De Lapsu hominis

Idea spirituali mihi et aliis qui penes me spiritibus et angelis percipere dabatur, quomodo lapsus hominis, nempe quod antiquissima Ecclesia, fuerit in fide et sic in consortio cum spiritibus et angelis, et tam uniti, sicut in coelo essent--sicut 1

optimi illi, de quibus in alia tellure [539 seqq.]--sed 2

quod desciverint, et sic interiorum intuitiones ab homine recesserint, usque hodie dum {a} solum in externis sunt. 1748, 27 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has essent; sicut

2. The Manuscript has tellure, sed

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