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《灵界经历》 第2951节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2951

2951. How difficult it is to convince people on earth that they are ruled by means of spirits

Before my mind had been opened so that I could speak with spirits and thus be convinced by actual experience, there had occurred with me earlier over a period of many years such proofs that I am amazed that I had still not come to the conviction regarding the Lord's government by means of spirits. Not only were there dreams for several years educating me regarding the matters I was writing about, but there were also changes of my state while I was writing, a certain extraordinary light on the things being written. Later there were also many visions with my eyes closed, and light given miraculously, spirits sensorially [perceived], many times, as plainly revealed to the senses as objects are to the bodily senses, and attacks by various methods from evil spirits during temptations. And then later, when I was writing things repugnant to the evil spirits so that I was obsessed almost to the point of horror, I would see fiery lights, hear conversations in the early morning, among many other proofs, until the time when a certain spirit addressed me in a few words.

I was very surprised that he discerned my thoughts, and later very surprised when [my mind] was opened so that I conversed with spirits, even as the spirit was then also at my being surprised. These things lead me to conclude with what difficulty a person on earth can be led to believing that we are ruled by the Lord through spirits, and with what difficulty we withdraw from the opinion that we live our own life, from ourselves, without any spirit. 1748, 27 Aug.

[Marginal note: I realized at a certain point after some months when I spoke with spirits that if I were let back into my original state, I could have fallen into the opinion that they had been fantasies.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2951


Before my mind was opened, so that I could speak with spirits, and so be persuaded by living experience; for many years previous, such proofs existed with me, that I am now astonished, that yet I did not come into persuasion concerning the Lord's government, through spirits. Not only were there dreams, for several years, informing me concerning those things which were written, but there were, also, changes of state, when I wrote; a certain extraordinary light in those things which were written. Afterwards, also, many visions, when my eyes were closed, and light miraculously given; and spirits sensibly [flowed]. It was as manifest to perception [sensum] as the corporeal senses. Many times (occurred infestations through various modes, by evil spirits, in temptations. Then, afterwards, when those things were written to which evil spirits were averse, so that I was so obsessed as nearly to be overcome with horror [ita ut poene obsiderer ad horrorem]. Fiery lights were seen. Speech [loqueloe] in morning-time [was heard], besides many other things; until a certain spirit addressed me in a few words. I was greatly astonished that he should perceive my thoughts, and afterwards wondered greatly when [my mind] was opened so that I could converse with spirits; in like manner the spirit [was then surprised] that I should be astonished. From these things it may be concluded with what difficulty man can be led to believe that he is ruled by the Lord through spirits, and with what difficulty he recedes from the opinion that he lives his own life from himself, apart from spirits. - 1748, August 27. I formerly perceived, after speaking for some months with spirits, that if I were remitted into my former state, I could have fallen into the opinion that [these things] were phantasies.

Experientiae Spirituales 2951 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2951. Quam difficulter homo persuaderi queat, quod regatur per spiritus

Antequam aperta est mens, ut loqui possem cum spiritibus, et sic viva experientia persuaderi, per plures annos prius talia apud me documenta exstiterunt, ut nunc miror, quod non usque in persuasionem de regimine Domini per spiritus venerim, non solum erant somnia per aliquot annos informantia me de iis quae scribebantur; sed etiam erant mutationes status cum scriberem, lux quaedam extraordinaria in iis quae scriberentur: postea quoque visiones plures clausis oculii, et lux data miraculose, et spiritus sensibiliter [percepti], ad sensum ita manifeste, sicut corporei sensus, multoties 1

, [et] 2

infestationes per varios modos a spiritibus malis, in tentationibus, tum postea cum scriberentur ea quae spiritus mali aversati, ita ut paene obsiderer ad horrorem, lumina ignea visa, loquelae matutino tempore [auditae], praeter plura alia, usque dum quidam spiritus me alloquebatur paucis verbis, miratus valde sum, quod perciperet is cogitationes meas, et miratus postea valde cum aperiebatur ut colloquerer cum spiritibus, sicut etiam tunc spiritus ex eo quod ego miratus; ex his concludi potest, quam difficulter homo adduci queat ad credendum, quod regatur a Domino per spiritus, et quam difficulter recedat ab opinione, quod 3

is suam vitam, a se, absque spiritu vivat. 1748, 27 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has multoties

2. cf. indicem ad Homo

3. The Manuscript has quo

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