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《灵界经历》 第2953节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2953

2953. About pirates, or sea robbers

A certain pirate came toward me, and in fact toward the right side of my head, and approached me. And he wanted to pour himself into the right side of my head, and indeed, stealthily. For I heard from his speaking that he intended evil and would snatch anything he met with. Then rows of teeth appeared in him, so that his face was almost rows of teeth, thus ugly. And he twisted around like a scroll in the shape of a fish whose tail or back part curled around, so he thought that in this form he could penetrate more deeply and carry out his piracy.

Presently I was instructed that he was a pirate who practiced piracy without conscience, and that the teeth symbolized his earthly qualities, as did the scroll shaped like a fish also. Then there appeared also an upright spirit rolled up in a veil, who was let down toward me, and could not be rolled out of that veil until he had begged. He had been let down by pirates overhead, like a prisoner, for the pirate with me was their medium. He withdrew when he realized that he could accomplish nothing. 1748, 27 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2953


There came to me a certain pirate, and, indeed, to the right part of the head, and approached, and wished to infuse himself by degrees into the right part of the head, yea, craftily; for from his speech I perceived [audiebam] that he intended evil, and would snatch up anything he came across; then there appeared a grate [crates] of teeth in him, so that near his [whole] face was a grate of teeth, thus he was hideous; and he whirled around, as it were, a roll [volumen] in the shape of a fish, whose tail or posterior part was whirled around; thus he supposed that he could penetrate higher, and carry on piracy. Next I was instructed that he was a pirate, who carries on piracy without conscience, and that the teeth, as also the roll in shape of a fish, signified his naturals. Then, also, appeared to be let down to me a certain upright [person] wrapped [involutus] in the [a] veil: he could not be unwrapped [evolvi] from that veil, before he had made supplication. He was let down by pirates above the head, as if a captive [captus]; for the pirate with me was their subject; he receded [withdrew] when he apperceived that he could effect nothing. - 1748, August 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2953 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2953. De piratis seu latronibus maris

Ad me veniebat quidam pirata, et quidem ad dextram partem capitis, et approximabat, volebatque se paullatim infundere in dextram partem capitis, et quidem subdole, nam ex loquela ejus audiebam quod intenderet malum, et surriperet quicquid offenderet; apparebat tunc crates dentium in eo, sic ut esset facies ejus paene crates dentium, sic deformis; et circumagebat quasi volumen in piscis formam, cujus cauda seu pars posterior circumagebatur, sic putans quod penetrare posset altius, et piraticam exercere. Instruebar mox, quod esset pirata, qui absque conscientia exercet piraticam, quodque dentes significarent naturalia ejus, tum etiam volumen in piscis formam: tum quoque apparebat quidam probus involutus velo, ad me demittendus, qui non potuit evolvi velo isto, antequam supplicavisset, demissus a piratis supra caput, sicut captus, nam pirata apud me erat subjectum eorum; recessit, cum apperciperet, quod nihil posset efficere. 1748, 27 Aug.

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