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《灵界经历》 第2957节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2957

2957. Spirits spoke through me exactly as if they were I

It has happened quite often that when I was talking with myself, spirits spoke through me, which I was given to hear and see so plainly as if I perceive another person speaking through me, both from the clear sound and feeling, and from his own admission that he had spoken through me, nor had he known otherwise than that he was my body. This has happened several times, as it did today twice. I cannot number the times, for there are so many, and the thing has become so familiar to me that I hardly believed this point worth mentioning; also, that they laughed through me, among other things. 1748, 27 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2957


This happened very often, that when [anyone] spoke with me, spirits spoke through me, which was given to hear and perceive as plainly, as if I perceive another man speaking through me, both from the sound, and the manifest perception [sensu], and from his own confession that he spoke through me, and had not known other than that he was my body. This occurred several times; for instance [in like manner], twice today I cannot enumerate the times; for they are so many, and the thing has become so familiar to me, that I have scarcely thought this worthy of relation; moreover, that they have laughed through me, and [done] many things. - 1748, August 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2957 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2957. Quod spiritus loquuti per me, prorsus sicut ii essent ego

Hoc saepe admodum evenit, quod dum [ego] loquutus mecum, spiritus per me loquuti sint, quod ita manifeste audire et percipere datum, sicut alium hominem percipio loquentem per me, tam ex sono, quam ex sensu manifesto, tum ex ejus propria confessione, quod is per me loquutus, nec scivisset aliter quam is esset corpus meum: hoc aliquoties occurrit, sicut hodie bis; vices non possum numerare, nam tot sunt, et ita familiare mihi factum, ut vix crediderim hoc memoratu dignum; tum quod viserint per me, et plura. 1748, 27 Aug.

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