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《灵界经历》 第296节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 296

296. Spirits think they are bodied people.

From a great deal of experience I have learned that spirits and also [newly arrived] souls after death thought, in fact believed, that they were in the life of the body, and indeed, with such conviction that they were extremely surprised when they were told [the truth] and were able to know it [themselves] from the fact that they could be transferred, as well as other experiments [showing] that they were spirits without bones and flesh; nor could they learn [in any other way] that they were dead as to the life of the body. 1747, the 4th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 296


From very much experience I have learned that spirits and also souls after death supposed, indeed believed, that they were in the life of the body, and indeed were so persuaded that they wondered exceedingly when they were told this; and they were also told that from the fact that they could be transferred [from one place to another], and from other experiences, they could know that they were spirits without bones and flesh, and that [otherwise] they could not know that as to the life of the body they were dead. 1747, Dec. 4. 1


1. Crossed out: "Indeed they were also so persuaded that they were carrying the body about, that after it was shown them that it was false ..."

Experientiae Spirituales 296 (original Latin 1748-1764)

296. Quod spiritus se putent homines corporeos esse

Ex permulta experientia didici, quod spiritus, etiam animae post mortem, putarent imo crederent, quod in vita corporis essent, et quidem ita persuasi, ut summopere mirarentur, quum id iis diceretur, ac ii tunc scire possent ex eo quod transferri potuissent, aliisque experientiis quod spiritus essent, absque ossibus et carne, nec scire potuerunt sic quod essent quoad corporis vitam mortui. 1747, die 4 Dec.

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