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《灵界经历》 第295节

(一滴水译本 2020--)





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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 295

295. The state of souls after death in regard to memory.

Spirits believe, as do souls after the death of the body, that they utilize all of the kind of memory they had in the life of the body. But by a revealing experience today, like some earlier ones, I have learned - and spoken with souls and spirits about the same matter, who were obliged to admit it - that they have no memory of personal matters, but a more inward memory that pertains to character, on which all and the least things are inscribed that they had ever thought in the life of the body and that they had done. One might say that knowledge more or less occupies the surface, and everything related to feelings constitutes the core.

1. ) To souls and spirits who were able to speak from their character making use of the knowledge within me, it could by no means appear otherwise than that they had retained all remembrance of their bodily life. They put on that knowledge as if it were theirs, so that they could not know otherwise than that my memory was theirs. This happened in one way with those I had known in life, in another with those I had not known. This is obvious from the single fact, to which I bear witness, that all spirits when they came to me were able to speak in my vernacular tongue, no matter where they had been born, not knowing but that it was their language and that they had been born into it. About their own language they knew nothing whatever.

2. ) Their character takes the place of memory, so that they loathe, or love, truths or goodness, as if by some keen scent. For as soon as anything comes along that is not agreeable to their character, they bend it off toward things that soothe their character. They do this so skillfully and amazingly that they do not know but that they are acting from the memory.

Moreover, they can even converse among themselves on a variety of subjects from things in a person [they are with] - which is also amazing, although I did not hear [the discussion] - and then likewise, not know otherwise, than that they are speaking from their own former memory. Certain acquaintances were surprised at this, but still could not but acknowledge the truth of it.

But it must be understood that all things, even the very least, are so governed by God the Messiah that they cannot take out of anyone's memory any but those things that can serve a use. Thus it is wonderful the way all things and each detail are governed.

3. ) Nor should there be any doubt but that each and every detail inscribed on [the memory] during the life of the body can also be brought forth and shown to them, as I have experienced myself most lucidly. The smallest details are brought out, and even in their own point of time, and I could not in any way prevent it. To recount the particular experiences would be a needlessly lengthy undertaking. 1747, the 4th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 295


Spirits, like souls after the death of the body, suppose that they enjoy all the memory just as they did in the life of the body. But by manifest experience I have learned today, as also on several former occasions, 1and I have conversed with souls and spirits about this same subject. They had to admit that this was so, namely, that they have no memory of particular things, but the more interior memory which is that of their nature, on which is inscribed each and every thing they have ever thought in the life of the body and what they did, knowledges as it were occupying the surface, and the things that were of the affections, making as it were the nucleus, as it may be called. To souls and spirits it could by no means appear otherwise, than that they have retained all the memory of their bodily life;

(1) for from their own nature they could speak according to the knowledges that are with me, which they put on as if they were theirs, in one way in the case of those I had known in their life, and in another way in the case of those I had not known; thus they could not know otherwise than that it was their own memory. This can thus be evident from this single testimony, that all spirits, when they came to me, could speak in my native language, no matter where they had been born, not knowing otherwise than that it was their own language and that they were born into it; of their own language they knew nothing whatever. Their nature takes the place of their memory, so that they are either averse to, or love, things that are true or good as if by a kind of knowing sphere;

(2) for as soon as anything applies itself with which their nature is not in agreement, they bend it into the things that their nature approves, and this so skillfully and wonderfully that they know no otherwise than that they have acted from their own memory. Moreover, they can mutually converse with each other from the things that are in man, and this in various ways, which is also wonderful, although I did not hear this. From this also they cannot know otherwise than that they are speaking from their own former memory. Some who were known to me were astonished at this, but still they could not but acknowledge its truth. But it is rightly to be observed, that each and all things are so directed by God Messiah that they cannot take anything from the memory of anyone, except that which can serve for use, so that each and all things are directed in a wonderful manner. Nor can it be doubted that each and all things that have been inscribed on the life of the body can also be drawn forth and shown to them, as I have experienced very manifestly in my own case; for the most minute things are drawn forth, and indeed in their own time, which I cannot resist in any way.

(3) To adduce the particular experiences would be tedious and superfluous. 1747, Dec. 4.


1. Crossed out: "I have the evidence."

Experientiae Spirituales 295 (original Latin 1748-1764)

295. Status animarum post mortem, quoad memoriam

Putant spiritus, sicut animae post mortem corporis,quod omni memoria, quali in vita corporis, gaudeant, sed per manifestam experientiam hodie sicut etiam aliquoties prius, edoctus sum, et cum animabus ac spiritibus de eadem re, colloquutus, qui idem fateri deberent, nempe quod memoria rerum particularium nulla sit, sed memoria intimior, quae est indolis, cui inscripta sunt omnia et singula, quae usquam in vita corporis cogitarunt, et quod egerunt, scientifica quasi tenentia superficiem, et quae affectionum fuerunt, quasi facientia nucleum, ut ita dicere liceat; animabus et spiritibus neutiquam aliter apparere potuit, ac quod omnem memoriam vitae corporis retinuerint, qui 1

ex indole loqui potuissent, secundum ea scientifica, quae penes me sunt, quae induunt, quasi essent eorum, ita non aliter scire potuerunt quam quod eorum esset memoria, aliter apud eos, quos in vita cognovi, aliter quos 2

non cognovi; sicut 3

ab uno testimonio constare possit, quod omnes spiritus, dum ad me venerint, vernacula mea lingua potuissent loqui, ubicunque loci nati essent, non aliter scientes, [quam] 4

quod eorum lingua esset, et in eam nati, de suamet lingua ne hilum norunt; indoles eorum loco memoriae est, sic ut aversentur aut ament ea, quae vera aut bona sint, quasi quadam sagaci sphaera, nam illico ut appellit id quod indoli eorum non consentaneum est, id deflectunt in ea, quae indoles eorum suadet, et tam solerter et mirabiliter, ut ii non aliter sciant, ac quod ex memoria agerent. Praeterea etiam possunt mutuo inter se colloqui, et cum varietate, ex iis quae in homine sunt, quod etiam mirabile est, tametsi id non audirem, inde quoque non possunt aliter scire, ac quod ex memoria suamet priori loquerentur: quidam noti hoc admirati sunt, sed usque non potuerunt non agnoscere veritatem; sed probe observandum, quod omnia et singula dirigantur ita a Deo Messia, ut non alia 5

possint ex memoria alicujus sumere, quam quae usui servire possint, sic ut mirifico modo omnia et singula dirigantur. Nec dubitandum est, quin omnia et singula, quae in vita 6

corporis inscripta sunt, etiam queant educi et iis ostendi, sicut expertus sum apud me manifestissime, quod minutissima educantur, et quidem suomet tempore, quod nullo modo resistere possum. Experientias singulares allegare prolixum et superfluum foret. 1747, die 4 Dec.


1. sic manuscript; J.F.I. Tafel's edition has quia substituit

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

3. sic manuscript; J.F.I. Tafel's edition has sic ut substituit

4. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

5. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has aliter

6. nisi acta legendum

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