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《灵界经历》 第2973节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2973

2973. I saw afterwards a black cow with a woman, and the black cow was licking her with its tongue, and also kissed her. This was said to have been a sign that the belled spirits would not hurt them, whereby I learned that the belled spirits are symbolized by black cows. There were some spirits who were afraid of them, for they had made a plan to commit a crime, so first they entered into friendship with them, which was shown to me as a petting of the black cow and its reciprocal caress - which also licked the woman on the face, rising up on its hind feet. 1748, 28 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2973

2973. I afterwards saw a black cow with [apud] a woman, and the cow licked her with her tongue, and also kissed [her], which they said was a sign, that the belled spirits would not hurt them. Wherefore I have learned, that belled spirits are sired by black cows. There were some who feared them, for they have taken counsel to commit a crime [facinus]: wherefore they first entered into friendship with them, which was shown me, by the caressing [adblandientia] of the black cow, and her reciprocal caresses [adblanditionem]; she also licked the woman in the face, rising on the hind feet. - 1748, August 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2973 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2973. Videbam postea vaccam nigram apud faeminam, et vacca nigra lingua sua lambebat eam, et etiam osculata, quod indicium fuisse dicebant, quod campanati spiritus iis non nocerent, quare didici quod campanati spiritus significentur per vaccas nigras, erant quidam qui eos timebant, nam facinus facere consilium ceperunt, quare primum cum iis inibant amicitiam, quae ostendebatur mihi, per adblandientia vaccae nigrae, et ejus reciprocam adblanditionem, quae faeminam lambebat quoque facie, assurgendo pedibus posterioribus. 1748, 28 Aug.

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