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《灵界经历》 第2972节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2972

2972. About belled spirits

I heard recently, I think [2862, 19 Aug.], and again just now, spirits sounding like cows with little bells, who were moving toward the front regions from afar, out of the region of the left eye, striking fear wherever they go. I also felt fear in myself from them, the spirits no doubt feeling a greater one.

The sound of the bells was saying, "tager du den, sa tager jag den, tager du mycket, sa tager jag litet." 1Wherever they go, they purify the plain of the world of spirits from evil ones, driving them to flight. So it is also a kind of east wind, for the purpose of dispersing them, and dissociating societies wrongly joined together [see 2121-2127]. 1748, 28 Aug.


1. Swedish for "if you take this one, then I take this one, if you take a lot, then I take a little."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2972


I heard yesterday I think, and now again, spirits sounding like cows with bells. They proceeded towards the anterior from afar from the region of the left eye. They inspire fear whither they go; I also felt fear with me [proceeding] from them - doubtless, spirits [feel] a greater [fear]. The sound of the bells spoke tager du den sa wiger, jag den, tager du mycket, sa tager jag litet. Where they go, they purify the field [cumpum] of the world of spirits from evils, by putting them to flight, and dispersing them; thus also is a sort of east wind, for dispelling and dissociating illy consociated societies. - 1748, August 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2972 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2972. De campanatis spiritibus

Audivi heri ut reor [2862, 19 Aug.], et nunc iterum spiritus sonantes sicut vaccae cum campanulis, qui vadebant anteriora versus e longinquo 1

e regione sinistri oculi, qui timorem incutiunt quo vadunt, timorem quoque sensi apud me ab iis, majorem, absque dubio, [senserunt] spiritus; sonus campanarum loquebatur, "tager du den sac tager jag den, tager du mycket, sac tager jag litet {a}"; ubi vadunt purificant campum mundi spirituum a malis, eos in fugam abigendo, et dissipando, ita quoque est species venti orientis, ad dispellendum, et dissociandas societates male consociatas [vide 2121-2127]. 1748, 28 Aug.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has longinqui

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