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《灵界经历》 第298节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 298

298. Moreover, the heavenly female inhabitants of any one habitation can feel and see at once whether someone is concordant with their character and thus able as a part to contribute to their happiness - and this so accurately, that nothing could be more so. They can even [discern] in which place in the habitation, or with which people someone can be compatible - and all of this, as to each and every detail, by the arrangement, and under the indirect and direct auspices of God the Messiah, Who is All in all things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 298

298. Moreover, the heavenly beings who are in any habitation can at once feel and perceive whether it agrees with their nature, and thus whether as a part it can contribute to their happiness, and this so exquisitely that nothing can be more so; and indeed they perceive in what place in the habitation one may be and with whom there can be fellowship; and all this, and each and all things of it, is from the disposition under the mediate and immediate auspices of God Messiah, who is the All in all.

Experientiae Spirituales 298 (original Latin 1748-1764)

298. Praeterea coelestes quae in aliqua mansione sunt, illico sentire et percipere possunt, num conveniat eorum indoli, et sic num ut pars contribuere possit ad eorum felicitatem, et quidem tam exquisite ut nihil dari queat exquisitius, et quidem in quonam loco mansionis, seu cum quibus consociabilis esse possit, et hoc omne in omnibus et singulis, ex dispositione, auspicio mediato ac immediato 1

Dei Messiae, Qui est Omne in omnibus.


1. The Manuscript has immdiato ut apparet

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