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《灵界经历》 第299节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 299

299. I was raised up also into a habitation of the very inward heaven where, by the mercy, and under the direct and miraculous auspices of God the Messiah, I was able to abide for a while, and at the same time speak with the angels, who sensed most sharply that someone was present. For they are extremely happy about newcomers, and want most eagerly for a newcomer to become one of them. But from that keen perception, they at once know and sense whether that person is able to live among them. If not, they are sad, and still make every effort to initiate the soul, but when there is not concord, they separate themselves. Then the soul is again allowed to be transported around in carriages, which I have not only heard, but also seen; and I have been with them in the carriages, and afterwards conversed with them at some length.

From these circumstances in the inward and very inward heaven, one can see how things are with those who are quickened immediately after the life of the body, namely, that "they walk through dry places, and seek rest" [Matt. 12:43, Luke 11:24]. 1747, the 5th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 299

299. I was also raised up into a habitation of the more interior heaven, where by the mercy and the immediate and miraculous auspices of God Messiah I could remain for a little while and at the same time speak with the angels, who very exquisitely perceived that there was someone present, for they are in the highest degree delighted with a newcomer, and most earnestly desire that he should be associated with them; but from that exquisite perception they at once know and perceive whether he is such that he can be amongst them. If he is not such, they are grieved, but still they labor with the utmost zeal to initiate him; but when there is no agreement they then separate themselves, so the soul is again allowed to be carried about, as in vehicles. I have not only heard but have also perceived this, and I have quite often talked with them, both when they were in the vehicles, and afterwards. From those who were in the interior and the more interior heaven it can be evident how the case is with those who are raised up immediately after the life of the body, namely, that "they walk through dry places and seek quiet". [ Matt. xii 43; Luke xi 24.] 1747, Dec. 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 299 (original Latin 1748-1764)

299. Sublatus sum etiam in mansionem intimioris coeli, ubi ex misericordia et auspicio immediato ac miraculoso Dei Messiae, aliquantisper subsistere potui, et simul loqui cum angelis, qui quam exquisite percipiebant, quod quidam adesset, nam de novis advenis summopere laetantur, et summo studio volunt, ut associari possit, sed ex perceptione ista exquisita, illico norunt et percipiunt, num talis sit, ut interesse possit, si non, dolent 1

, usque summo studio allaborant eum initiare, sed quum non concordia, tunc se separant 2

; ita iterum datur animae transferri sicut in vehiculis circumcirca, quod non solum audivi sed etiam percepi, et cum iisdem in vehiculis, et postmodum multum satis loquutus sum. Ex his in interiori et intimiori coelo constare potest, quomodo se habet apud eos qui statim post vitam corporis excitantur, nempe quod "per siticulosa loca 3

ambulent et quaerant quietem" [Matth. XII: 43, Luc. XI: 24]. 1747, die 5 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has non dolent

2. The Manuscript has separarant

3. The Manuscript has loco

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