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《灵界经历》 第2996节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2996

2996. Angels are able to know a person's quality

About Mohammed

From the Lord, angels are able to know whatever is in a person from infancy onward, and what the person had thought. This is even now happening through the agency of those who were transferred into heaven - I believe they are Mohammed and Mohammedans, who are bringing in these things into my thought from there, and bearing witness to them, and without my knowing it, guiding my hand to writing this. 1748, 30 Aug.

There are countless things that they see in everything that occurs, which could never be grasped by a human idea, likewise in the least words that are being written, by them as well. When they were told that these things they were seeing are still almost nothing compared to those which can be seen within those they had seen, they were raised up into a still more inward place, from where they spoke with me again, saying that the things they had seen before had been so crude that they were hardly anything. 1748, 30 Aug.

They were raised up still more to where there were little children, and at first they were surprised that little children know things that no others do, and from there they also spoke, saying that the things they had seen before were almost nothing, and that so countless a number of things are contained in one single idea, that one idea cannot be described in volumes. 1748, 30 Aug.

Various things streamed in, and I was led to various things and moved by various things which I am unable to relate. I know that they came from those who had seen causes and how these flowed into the lower world. 11748, 30 Aug.


1. The original has "how they flowed into" and then "the lower world" in nominative case. I believe accusative was intended.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2996


Angels can know from the Lord, whatever [has been] in man from earliest infancy, and whatever he has thought, as also [I now learn] through them who have been translated into heaven. They are, [it is] I believe, Mohammed and Mohammedans; who thence introduce these things into my thought and attest [them], and whilst I am unconscious [of it] lead my hand to write thus. - 1748, August 30. There are indefinite things which they view [vident] in whatsoever occurs; which can never be apprehended by man's idea, thus in each word that is written. [These words are] also from them; they were told, that those things viewed by them are still almost nothing, as compared with what can be viewed in those things which they had [formerly] seen; wherefore they were raised up into a still more interior heaven, and thence again spoke with me; they said that the former things which they had seen were so gross, as scarcely [to amount to] anything. - 1748, August 30. They were still [farther] raised up [to] where [are] infants, and [were] at first astonished that infants know what no others [do], and thence also said, that what they had seen are almost nothing, and that such indefinites are contained in one idea, that one idea cannot be described by volumes. - 1748, August 30.) Various things inflowed, and I was led to various things, and moved by various thing which I cannot mention. I thence knew that [they are those] who have seen causes, and how the inferior world inflows. - 1748, August 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 2996 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2996. Quod angeli scire possint qualis homo De Mahumede

A Domino angeli scire possunt quicquid in homine a prima infantia, et quid cogitaverit, quod nunc etiam [fit] per eos, qui translati sunt in coelum, ut reor est Mahumed et Mahumedani, qui inde in cogitationem meam haec inferunt et testantur, et me nesciente, manum meam ad ita scribendum ducunt. 1748, 30 Aug. Indefinita sunt quae vident in iis quae occurrunt, quae nusquam idea hominis capi possunt, ita in singulis vocibus quae scribuntur, ab iis quoque. Cum iis diceretur, quod haec quae viderent usque fere nihil sint 1

, respective ad ea, quae videri possunt in illis, quae viderant, quare in adhuc interius sublati, [tunc] inde iterum mecum loquuti, dicebant, quod priora quae viderant, tam crassa fuerint, ut vix aliquid. 1748, 30 Aug. Adhuc sublati sunt ubi infantes, et primum mirati, quod infantes sciant, quae nulli alii, inde loquuti quoque, quod nihili fere sint, quae [prius] viderant, et quod tam indefinita in una idea contineantur, ut una idea per volumina non describi possit. 1748, 30 Aug. Varia influebant, et ad varia ducebar, et variis movebar, quae memorare non possum. Scio quod inde {a}, qui viderunt causas, et quomodo influeret 2

inferior mundus {b}. 1748, 30 Aug.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sit

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has influerent spiri[tus]

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