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《灵界经历》 第2997节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2997

2997. Some of them, let down quite a distance and flowing in, and seeing the things in me, asked about what they had seen, and then they were let into a state entirely like that in which they had been in bodily life, in that they were saying things different than they were feeling, as many do for various reasons, so they were saying they remembered nothing. They even said this twice, which surprised me, for it seemed to me, and to others too, that they remembered all. So when they said things different from what they knew, from a habit acquired in life, unnecessarily, they were cast down or fell down to their own places, where, being let into the same state, they said they were not obliged to tell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2997

2997. Some of these [were] brought down [delati] to some distance, and inflowed and saw whatsoever [was] with [apud] me, [and] inquired concerning those things which they had seen, and [were] then let into almost a similar state [to that] wherein they had been in the life of the body, so as to say [speak] other than that they felt, as is the case with many, from various causes, and so as to say that they remembered nothing. This they said twice, at which I wondered; for to me [as] also to others, it seemed that they remembered. When, therefore, from habit in life, [and] not from necessity, they said other things [than they knew], they were cast down, or fell down to their places, where being let into a similar state, they said that it is not fit [for them] to say [these things].

Experientiae Spirituales 2997 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2997. Quidam ex iis delati ad aliquam distantiam, et influebant, ac videbant quae apud me, interrogati de iis quae viderant, et tunc missi in similem prorsus statum in quo fuerant in vita corporis, quoad id quod alia dicerent quam sentirent, sicut multis est ex variis causis, et sic quod {a} dicerent se nihil meminisse, quod etiam dicebant, bis, quod miratus, nam videbatur mihi quod meminerint, etiam aliis, cum itaque alia dicebant, quam noverant, ex usu in vita, ex non necessitate, dejecti sunt seu delapsi ad loca sua, ubi in similem statum missi, dicebant, quod non oporteat dicere;

(2998.) ita informatus 1

, quod nequaquam aliud dicere debeant quam quod cogitant, nisi ex necessitate ultima; erat, quia nondum tales erant, ut influxus Domini apud eos operari posset, ut dicerent, quae cogitarent. 1748, 30 Aug. Exinde concludi potest, quod tales etiam immitti possint in coelum, sed non diu subsistere, ne quidem in exteriori atrio; cum nec possent esse in exteriori atrio, sic non potuisset dari correspondentia interiorum cum exterioribus.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition informati substituit

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