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《灵界经历》 第3001节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3001

3001. But as for those who had attracted it entirely toward themselves, so that I was not among them, they were not good, considering me as a dead tool, only themselves as alive, so because they took away all the meaning, I had to pause so often, and stop. Some of them, doing this not from a bad heart, because they did want to pray, today wanted not to behave that way and to let [the meaning] go back to me, so that they also could be there. This I clearly sensed, but because they wanted to do good from themselves, I nevertheless had to stop.

This shows how the matter stands, that when a person on earth or a spirit might want to do good from their own power, they are not able, and they are clearly seen through, and it is entirely ineffective: so much ego clings to it. 1748, 31 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3001

3001. but to those who wholly attracted it to themselves, so that I could not be present: these were not good: considered me as a lifeless instrument, and themselves alone as alive. Wherefore because they abstracted all the sense [thereof] I had as often to cease and come to an end. Some of these did not do this from a bad heart, because they wished to pray. Today they desired not to be so disposed [tales], but to leave [the prayer] to me, so that they could also be together [with me]; this, because [as] was plainly perceived, they wished to do good of themselves, and, nevertheless, I had to desist. From these things it may be evident how the matter stands, when man or spirits wish to do good of themselves, that they cannot, and that it was plainly perceived from these things, and that there is no effect [efficacy] [in such attempt]. So much does proprium inhere. - 1748, August 31).

Experientiae Spirituales 3001 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3001. Sed ad eos, qui ad se prorsus attraxerunt, sic ut ego non interessem, ii erant non boni, considerantes me ut instrumentum mortuum, semet solum ut vivos, quare quia abstulerunt omnem sensum, toties subsistere debui, et finire; quidam eorum, non ex malo corde id facientes, quia orare volebant, volebant hodie non tales esse, sed remittere ad me, ut sic quoque possent simul esse; hoc quia ex semet bonum facere vellent, percipiebatur manifeste, ac nihilominus desistere debebam; ex his constare potest quomodo se habet, quum homo aut spiritus ex semet bonum facere vellent, quod nequeant, et quod percipiatur manifeste ex iis, et quod nihil efficaciae habeat: tantum inhaeret proprium. 1748, 31 Aug.

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