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《灵界经历》 第3000节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3000

3000. Some who wanted to do good from their own powers

While I was praying the Lord's prayer, some were attracting all the meaning away from me to themselves, so that I could not have the meaning and thus an inner sight of the contents of the prayer, as at other times. So I had to pause as often in the beginning or in the middle of the prayer, for those who attract the meaning to themselves want me to serve them as a slave or a tool and themselves to be the masters. And so they were praying by themselves, but not in company with me, which happened as often as good spirits, or angelic spirits, prayed in company with me. Then I felt the attraction toward the Lord spoken of earlier [258, 300] as coming from the Lord.

But this also varied, namely their being received to pray in company, because they were good, and indeed, out of grace, as I also realized. But when it happened without this kind of conscious reception, when done by angelic spirits, it was [a praying] together with angelic spirits, and then there was an uplifting.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3000


Certain [ones] when I supplicated the Lord's prayer attracted all the sense [thereof] from me to themselves, so that I could not be in the sense, consequently not in the perception of the things which belong to the prayer, as at other times. Therefore I had as often to desist in the beginning or in the midst of the prayer: for they who attract the sense to themselves wish that I may serve them as a slave and instrument, and that they might be masters and so pray through [by means of] themselves, but not in society, with me happened as often as [as was the case when] good spirits, angelic spirits, prayed with me in society, when I perceived, as I have previously mentioned, an attraction to the Lord, as from the Lord. But this also with variety, to wit: that [they were] received into the society of the praying [supplicandi] because [they were] good; yea, from leave as was also perceived. But when it occurred without such sensible reception [as occurred] when [it was prayed] by angelic spirits: [for] it was [prayed] at the same time with angelic spirits, then there was an elevation [of the prayer],

Experientiae Spirituales 3000 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3000. Quidam qui ex propriis viribus bonum facere vellent

Quidam cum supplicarem orationem Domini, a me ad semet attrahebant omnem sensum, sic ut non potui esse in sensu, ita nec in perceptione eorum, quae sunt orationis, ut alioquin, quare toties desistere debui in principio aut in media oratione, nam qui sensum ad se attrahunt, ii volunt ut inserviam iis pro servo et instrumento, et quod ii essent domini, et sic quod orarent per se, non autem mecum in societate, sicut factum quoties boni spiritus, seu spiritus angelici mecum in societate orarunt, tunc percepi attractionem de qua prius ad Dominum [258, 300], ut a Domino; sed hoc quoque cum varietate, nempe quod recepti in societatem supplicandi, quia boni; et quidem ex venia, quod quoque percipiebatur; at cum factum absque tali receptione sensibili, cum a spiritibus angelicis, erat cum spiritibus angelicis simul, tunc erat elevatio.

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