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《灵界经历》 第3011节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3011

3011. spirits to himself by this art and this persuasion, and convince them that he was sent, thus an angel, of the Lord, which he was attempting by the same persuasion, but in vain because he had been found out.

This all shows that there are spirits that can persuasively convince others that they come forth from the Lord, and allure many spirits who are upright and do not know better into their company. Yet they are evil, and in fact insane, as I was also prompted to tell him, imagining himself to be the Lord with a mad conviction, than which anything more insane cannot exist.

It just comes to mind that certain fanatics are like this, also Quakers who are even after death convinced that the holy spirit has spoken with them, because they imagine someone to be from the Lord who persuades [others] that he is the Lord. Yet this is not the sign of the Lord's presence, but the sign is truth of faith concerning the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3011

3011. that with such art and such persuasion he has been able, previously, to allure good spirits to himself, and to persuade them that he was sent of the Lord, thus an angel [of the Lord]. This, also, he attempted with similar persuasion [on me], but in vain, for he was detected. From which it may be evident that spirits are given who can induce with persuasion that they proceed from the Lord, and can allure into societies with themselves, many spirits who are upright, and do not know different; and yet these are evil, and, indeed, insane, as also it was granted to say to him, [and] that he supposed himself to be the Lord, with mad persuasion, than which nothing can be more mad. It occurs to my mind, that of such a sort are certain enthusiasts, and Quakers, who also were such after death, as to be persuaded that the holy spirit spoke with them, because they suppose [he is] from the Lord, who persuades himself that he is the Lord, when yet this is not a proof of the presence of the Lord, but is a truth of faith concerning the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 3011 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3011. [vide 3010]

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