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《灵界经历》 第3012节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3012

3012. The same spirit, when he realized that he had been found out, and the spirits around him had been instructed about the truth of faith, wanted to extricate himself from their company, which he had also been taught to be skilled in by methods of his own through various thrusts of his body and turnings to the right, to the left, forwards, sideways, variously. And when he was told that this symbolized his wanting to tear himself away from their company, for he could not get along with those who would not recognize him as the spirit going forth from the Lord, he admitted the same, that he had been taught to do this when he wanted to drive away those who were in company with him, and then call together good spirits who believe him to be such a spirit. Otherwise he could be quite sharp and apparently intelligent, [but] grew angry when I said to him that the more intelligent he seemed to himself, the more insane he was. 1748, 1 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3012

3012. The same spirit, when he apperceived that he was detected, and spirits around him were instructed concerning the truth of faith, wished to extricate himself from their society, which he had also learned to be expert in, by modes of his own, through various projections of his body, and turnings to the right, to the left, directly, obliquely, in various ways; and when he was told that it signified that he wished to snatch himself away from [their] society, for he could not practice upon those who did not acknowledge him for the [a] spirit proceeding from the Lord, the same confessed that he had learned to do so when he wished to drive away those who [were] with him in society, then afterwards to call together good spirits, who believe to be of such a character. In other respects he could be quite acute, and of apparent intelligence, and angry because I told him that the more intelligent he seemed to himself, the more insane [he was]. - 1748, September 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 3012 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3012. Idem spiritus cum apperciperet quod detectus, et spiritus instructi de veritate fidei circum eum, voluit se extricare ab eorum societate, quod etiam doctus calluit per modos suos per projectiones corporis sui varias et versuras ad dextrum, ad sinistrum, directe, oblique, vario modo, cumque ei diceretur, quod significaret eum velle se proripere ex societate, nam non potuit versari apud eos, qui non eum agnoscebant pro spiritu procedente a Domino, idem fassus est, quod edoctus ita facere cum vellet abigere eos qui cum eo in societate, tum postea convocare bonos spiritus, qui credunt eum talem esse, alioquin potuit esse satis acutus, et apparentis intelligentiae, irascens 1

quod ei dicerem, quod quo intelligentior sibi visus, eo insanior. 1748, 1 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has irascentes vel forte ut in J.F.I. Tafel's edition irascentis

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