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《灵界经历》 第3032节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3032

3032. Some were grieving that they would thus lose their own [family], a result of their remaining bodily love, but they were told in reply that in place of them they would receive thousands, whom they would love much more, and more happily; also that all should acknowledge the Lord as the one only Parent of all, like innocent [children], but that the Lord is Father to all, and thus all who are in the Lord's place, according to each one's ability to receive [Him]; and likewise that they also who are the Lord's, are also in the place of parents.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3032

3032. Certain [spirits] lamented that thus they would lose their [relatives]. This flowed from the residue of bodily [corporeal] love, but the reply was made them, that they would receive thousands in their place whom they would love much more, and more happily; further, that [not only] ought all to acknowledge the Lord [as] only parent of all, as [does] [is the part of] innocence, but that the Lord is a father to all, and thus all are for the Lord [in the Lord's stead], according one's gift of reception, and also that they who are the Lord's are also in place of parents.

Experientiae Spirituales 3032 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3032. Quidam [erant] dolentes quod sic amitterent suos, quod ex residuo amore corporeo effluebat, sed iis responsum quod millia loco eorum acciperent, quos amarent multo magis et felicius; tum quod omnes agnoscere debeant Dominum unicum omnium Parentem, sicut innocentiae, sed quod Dominus omnibus est Pater, et ita omnes qui sunt pro Domino, secundum cujusvis dotem recipiendi, et quoque quod sint ii quoque, qui sunt Domini, quoque loco parentum.

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