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《灵界经历》 第3031节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3031

3031. Relationships in the other life

The communication of character and of all and the least characteristics, is amazing in the other life. The character is recognized at once. This communication and recognition, especially as it exists in the heavens, cannot be described.

The communication and recognition, and the consequent association, are just like in relationships on earth, namely, that they are recognized as parents, as children, as brothers, as relations by blood or marriage, with all the distinctions. There is the kind of love that would be in earthly life, with all the distinctions, toward the closest and those more removed in the line.

Relations by blood and marriage [there] pertain to love and its distinctions, which are countless, and the communications are exquisite beyond description. There is no regard whatever for those who had been parents, children, related by blood or marriage on earth, nor for high positions, riches and the like, which are worldly and earthly. These words were confirmed by angels. 1748, 2 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3031


(The communication of dispositions, and of each and everything in the disposition, in the other life, is wonderful, [and] is recognized immediately. This communication and recognition [acknowledgment] cannot be described especially [does this take place] in the heavens. The communication and recognition, and hence association, are related like affinities [relationships] in the world, to wit, that they are recognized as parents, as children, as brothers, as kin [consanguinei] and relations according to differences. The love is such as should be [might be] in life, according to all differences towards the nearest and the more remote, in order. The consanguinities and relationships belong to love, and its differences, which are indefinite, and the communications [are] so exquisite that they cannot be described; further, no respect at all is had to those who have been parents, children, kin and relations on earth, nor to any person, such as he has been on earth, therefore not to dignities, riches, or the like, which are worldly and terrestrial. These things were confirmed by those who are from the angels. - 1748, September 2.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3031 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3031. Affinitates in altera vita

Communicatio indolum, et omnium et singulorum quae in indole, mirabilis est in altera vita, cognoscitur illico; quae communicatio et inde agnitio non describi potest: cumprimis in coelis; communicatio et agnitio, et inde associatio se habent ita sicut affinitates in terris, nempe quod agnoscantur sicut parentes, quod ut liberi, quod ut fratres, quod ut consanguinei, et affines, secundum differentias, [verbo] talis amor est, qualis foret in vita secundum omnes differentias erga 1

proximos et ordine remotiores; consanguinitates et affinitates sunt amoris et ejus differentiarum, quae indefinitae sunt, et communicationes ita exquisitae ut describi nequeant: tunc nullus prorsus respectus habetur ad eos qui parentes, liberi, consanguinei et affines fuerunt in terra; nec ad aliquam personam qualis fuerit in terra, sic non ad dignitates, divitias aut similia quae sunt mundana et terrestria; haec confirmata ab angelis 2

. 1748, 2 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has ergo

2. The Manuscript has ab iis qui sunt

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