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《灵界经历》 第3040节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3040

3040. About angelic forms

Angelic forms or choirs have so often been with me and been heard that it has become a familiar occurrence, so that not all the particulars I have been able to observe have been recorded, such as that some learn to flow without being portrayed by mental images into those forms so as to be initiated and enabled thereafter to be among the spiritual and heavenly; or that choirs from the Mohammedans have become so familiar to me that just from the sound I could tell it was from them-among other things, as when they streamed into a roaring sound, without speech.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3040


So frequently have angelic forms or choirs been with me, and been heard by me, that it has grown familiar, So I have not noted down each observed instance, as, for instance, that certain learn, without representations or ideas, to flow into such forms, in order that they may be initiated, and afterwards be amongst the spirituals and celestials; further, that choirs of Mohammedans have become so familiar to me that from the sound alone, I could have known [that the choirs consisted] of them. Besides other things which I do not remember, like as when they have inflowed into the sound of the mouth without speech.

Experientiae Spirituales 3040 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3040. De formis angelicis

Formae seu chori angelici tam saepe apud me fuerunt et auditi, ut familiare factum, ita singula observabilia non annotata sunt, sicut quod quidam absque repraesentationibus aut ideis discant fluere in tales formas, ut initientur, et possint interesse postea spiritualibus et coelestibus, tum quod chori ex Mahumedanis mihi tam familiares facti, ut solum ex sono scire potuerim quod ex iis: praeter alia, quae non memini, sicut cum influxerint in sonitum oris, absque loquela.

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