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《灵界经历》 第3041节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3041

3041. When dealing with forms and the fact that they compose the grand human being and shape its members or provinces, and that those who have not been initiated in a society so as to act as one to the glory of the Lord, are not in the grand human being, I sensed an indignation from the world of spirits because they were not also among those constituting the grand human being.

But they-the evil ones first-received the reply that they cannot be among them before they have been cast like manure to the earth and then from there have entered in like those elements that serve the sap of a plant or tree. Only then they can be in the society or in the tree.

To others, also evil, the reply was given that they cannot be regarded as anything but what has been let down into the stomach and, because it contains nothing conducive to nutrition, is again cast out as dung: and so it would be if they were admitted into those choirs or forms.

Some were still insisting that they wanted to be in them, and this was permitted; but they were told that they could not, because they were so gross. 1748, 2 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3041

3041. When I treated concerning forms, that therefrom is constituted the grand man [maximus homo], and, therefrom, the members or provinces are formed; and that they who are not initiated to act in society, as one, to the Lord's glory, are not in the grand man, I perceived indignation from the world of spirits, because they also were not amongst those who constituted the grand man; but the reply was made them, at first, to the evil, that they cannot be [there] before, like dung, they are cast on the earth, and thus that, like those things which serve for the sap of a plant or tree, have entered thence, then first can they be in society, or in the tree. The reply was made to others, also evil, that they cannot be considered in any other light than things which are let into the stomach, and are again cast out thence, as excrements, because they conduce not at all to nourishment. Such also would be the case were they admitted into such choirs or forms. Certain [ones] still insisted that they wished to be in [societies], which was permitted, but it was said that they could not be, because they are so gross. - 1748, September 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3041 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3041. Cum de formis actum, quod ab iis constituatur maximus homo, et formentur membra see provinciae, et quod ii, qui non initiati sint in societate, sicut unus, agere, in gloriam Domini, non in maximo homine sunt, percepi indignationem a spirituum mundo, quod ii non quoque essent inter eos, qui maximum hominem constituerent, sed iis responsum est, primum malis, quod prius non possint esse, quam cum sicut fimus rejecti in terram, et sic inde [instar] 1

eorum quae inserviunt succo plantae aut arboris, intraverint, tunc 2

primum possunt esse in societate seu in arbore: aliis quoque malis responsum, quod non aliter considerari possint, quam quae in ventrem immittuntur, et iterum, quia nihil quod conducit nutritioni, ut excrementa, ejiciuntur 3

; ita quoque foret si admitterentur in tales choros seu formas. Quidam usque instabant, quod vellent interesse, quod permissum, sed dictum, quod non possent; quia tam crassa sunt. 1748, 2 Sept.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

3. The Manuscript has ejiciantur ut videtur

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