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《灵界经历》 第3043节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3043

3043. A mental image when attached to a word remains

In speaking with spirits one observes most keenly the image of a word, both the fact that one word comprehends many images, and that when a word is changed, it at once creates confusion. For instance, when those are called "spirits" who are in the world of spirits, and in fact are evil, none of the good want to hear "spirits," and because "angels" are only those who are in heaven. So it is in other cases.

So when a different image is impressed upon a word, and the former word is changed, this creates much trouble in speaking with spirits, so that words ought to be used consistently once an image is impressed on them. 1748, 2 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3043


In speech into spirits, an idea of a word [vocis] is observed in the most exquisite manner; as well that a single [word] does not comprehend many ideas, as that when the word is changed, immediately, confusion is produced; for instance, when spirits are denominated [as] those who [are] in the world of spirits, yea, the evil, [then] none of the good wished to be styled spirits, and because it is on who are in heaven. So with other [words]. Wherefore, when another idea is impressed on a word, and the former [word] changed, it produces much trouble in talking with spirits, therefore [such] words should have a constant use, as have the idea once impressed on them. - 1748, September 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3043 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3043. Quod idea voci alligata permaneat

In loquela cum spiritibus quam exquisite observatur idea vocis, tam quod una vox plures ideas comprehendat, quam cum mutatur vox, quod illico confusionem pariat, sicut cum "spiritus" nominati sint ii qui in mundo spirituum, et quidem mali, quod nulli boni audire voluerint "spiritus," et quia "angeli" solum ii 1

qui in coelo; ita de aliis, quare cum alia idea imprimitur voci, et mutatur prior, multam molestiam id parit in loquela cum spiritibus, quare voces constanter in usu esse debent, quibus idea semel impressa est. 1748, 2 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has in ut videtur

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