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《灵界经历》 第3044节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3044

3044. Spirits of Jupiter [saying] about the spirits of our planet that worse cannot exist

Certain spirits of Jupiter were with me (at first they did not want to come because they knew the spirits here to be evil). Some of them were here nevertheless, and some of the spirits of this planet were permitted to operate by inspiring their own evils cunningly, deceitfully, [even] openly. Some of these evils I felt, for they were inward spirits at work, and I doubt that I was experiencing them for the first time.

Then the inward evil spirits were driving at them evil things that they sustained for a long time: for it concerned the Lord. Finally they admitted that they considered it utterly impossible that worse spirits existed. 1748, 3 Sept. For they were corrupting their mental imagery and thoughts in such a way that they were almost bound, so that they hardly seemed able to extricate themselves- which I also felt in myself.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3044


(Certain spirits of Jupiter were with me: at first they did not wish to come, because they knew that spirits here [were] evil: certain ones were still here, and it was permitted to spirits of this earth to act by means of evils inspired by their craftiness, by deceit, [and] openly: some of whose [arts] I perceived: for interior spirits were acting: I am in doubt, whether this be my first experience of them. Then the interior evil spirits acted into [on] them, and [these] sustained it a long time, for it was [granted them] from the Lord; at last they confessed that they suppose that worse [spirits] are never given. - 1748, September 3; for they perverted their imaginations and thoughts in such a manner, that [these spirits of Jupiter] were as if bound, so as to seem secure [capable] of being extricated as also I perceived within me).

Experientiae Spirituales 3044 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3044. Joviales spiritus, de spiritibus nostrae telluris, quod pejores non dari queant

Spiritus quidam Joviales penes me erant--primum 1

non volebant venire, quia sciebant quod spiritus hic mali--quidam 2

eorum hic usque erant, et per inspirata mala sua astu, dolo, aperte, agere permissum spiritibus hujus telluris, quorum quaedam percepi, nam interiores spiritus agebant, quos num prima vice experti, dubito, tunc interiores mali spiritus agebant in eos, quae sustinebant diu, nam de Domino erat, tandem fassi sunt, quod nusquam autumare possint pejores dari; 1748, 3 Sept.: nam 3

pervertebant eorum imaginationem et cogitationes ita, ut quasi ligati essent, ut se extricari vix posse, se videbant, quod etiam in me percepi.


1. The Manuscript has erant, primum

2. The Manuscript has mali, quidam

3. The Manuscript has Sept: nam

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