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《灵界经历》 第3046节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3046

3046. The angelic spirits of Jupiter have heavenly perception, and so it is granted me to share thought with them that inward evil spirits of this planet are unable to understand. They therefore grow very displeased, saying they cannot live, and they do try to understand, and they do not believe this is impossible. They were told that it is impossible, for heavenly speech of thought is imparted by the Lord, while the speech of these evil spirits originates from themselves, and it is at once obvious just from their thought and effort, what they are like and what they are trying to do.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3046

3046. The angelic spirits of Jupiter are in celestial perception, and thus it is granted to associate with them thought which cannot be understood by the interior evil spirits of this earth: wherefore they are highly indignant, and say they cannot live and also attempt to understand it; but this is impossible: yet they do not believe it. It was said that it is impossible for them [to understand it] for cogitative celestial speech is insinuated by the Lord, but [the speech] of those evil spirits derives its origin from them, and they are immediately revealed from [only] their thought, and endeavor, as to their quality and what they attempt.

Experientiae Spirituales 3046 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3046. Spiritus angelici Joviales in perceptione coelesti sunt, et sic datur cum iis sociare cogitationem, quam non intelligere possunt spiritus interiores mali hujus telluris, quare indignantur valde, et dicunt se non vivere posse, et tentant quoque intelligere, et hoc est impossibile, quod non credunt; quod impossibile sit iis dictum, nam cogitativa loquela coelestis a Domino insinuatur; at spirituum istorum malorum ab iis trahit originem, et patent illico, ex sola eorum cogitatione, et tentamine, quales sunt, et quid conantur.

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